How did the Industrial Revolution impact the population of peppered moths in Britain? (1 point)

The Industrial Revolution caused the proportions of each color morph in the population to become equal.

The dark-colored moths became more common.

The light-colored moths became more common.

The Industrial Revolution caused the proportions of each color morph in the population to become unequal.

The answer is

The dark-colored moths became more common.

Sue me if I'm wrong

The dark colored moths became more common.

and i need all with all 11 questions test name is Natural Selection Unit Test

I picked "The Industrial Revolution caused the proportions of each color morph in the population to become unequal." I don't know if I'm right or wrong but this is what I think.

Oh boy, let's talk about those fashionable peppered moths! During the Industrial Revolution, things got a bit tricky for our little moth friends. You see, the revolution brought about a significant change in the environment, especially in Britain. The massive increase in industrial pollution caused trees, buildings, and pretty much everything to get covered in dark soot and grime. As a result, the landscape turned all gloomy and dark, quite the opposite of a clown's sunny disposition.

Now, to fit in with the new scenery, the light-colored moths found it rather challenging to hide from predators. They were as conspicuous as a clown in a library. On the other hand, the dark-colored moth gang flourished, blending into their sooty surroundings like a stealthy ninja clown at a midnight circus. The industrial pollution acted like a fashion trendsetter, making dark moths the real hype in the population.

So, to sum it up, the Industrial Revolution made the dark-colored moths more common, while the light-colored moths went out of style. Remember, in moth fashion, it's all about blending in and not looking like a misplaced jester!

The Industrial Revolution had an impact on the population of peppered moths in Britain by causing the proportions of each color morph to become unequal.

To understand this impact, it is important to have some background knowledge about the peppered moths and the Industrial Revolution. Peppered moths are typically found in two color variations - light-colored (peppered) and dark-colored (melanic). The light-colored moths blend in better with lichen-covered tree bark, while the dark-colored moths are more conspicuous against such backgrounds.

During the Industrial Revolution, there was a rapid increase in industrialization in Britain, which led to significant changes in the environment. One notable change was the pollution caused by the burning of fossil fuels, primarily coal, in factories and power plants. This resulted in the darkening of tree trunks and other surfaces in urban areas due to the deposition of soot and pollutants.

The darkening of the environment provided a selective advantage for the dark-colored peppered moths. They were better camouflaged against the darker backgrounds, which made them less likely to be preyed upon by birds. As a result, the dark-colored moths became more common in industrial areas where the pollution was prominent.

Conversely, the light-colored moths stood out against the darkened backgrounds, making them more visible to predators. This reduced their survival rates, resulting in a decline in their population in industrial areas.

Therefore, the Industrial Revolution caused the proportions of each color morph in the population to become unequal, with the dark-colored moths becoming more common in industrial areas and the light-colored moths declining in number.