Hey i need help on my math hw i just don't get it lol please help me!

Here the questions

Which of the following equations has a graph that is parallel to the graph of
A:-2y = 4x+2

Determine if the two lines 7x+5y=35 and y= -7 over 5x-1 are parallel, perpendicular, or neither.

Which of the following lines is not parallel to y=5x+2?


Which of the following equations has a graph that is parallel to the graph of


Rearrange them in the format y = mx + b and see which one has the same value of m (the slope).

y = (-7/5) x -1 has slope -7/5. Compare the slope of the other line.

The slope of y = 5x + 2 is 5. Which of the other equations have that slope? They will be parallel. There is more than one.

your right !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sure, I can help you with your math homework! Let's start by answering the first question.

To determine which equation has a graph that is parallel to the graph of 4x-2y=7, we need to compare the slope of each equation. Remember that parallel lines have the same slope.

The given equation is in the form of Ax + By = C, where A, B, and C are constants. Let's rearrange this equation to determine its slope.

4x - 2y = 7

We want to isolate y, so let's move 4x to the other side:

-2y = -4x + 7

Now, divide both sides by -2 to get:

y = 2x - 7/2

The slope of the given equation is 2.

Now let's compare this slope with the slopes of the options provided:

A: -2y = 4x + 2
To get it in slope-intercept form, divide every term by -2:

y = -2x - 1

The slope of Option A is -2, which is not the same as the original equation. So, it is not parallel.

B: 7 - 4x = 2y
To get it in slope-intercept form, solve for y:

2y = -4x + 7
Divide every term by 2:

y = -2x + 7/2

The slope of Option B is -2, which is the same as the original equation. So, it is parallel.

C: 4x + 2y = 2
To get it in slope-intercept form, solve for y:

2y = -4x + 2
Divide every term by 2:

y = -2x + 1

The slope of Option C is -2, which is not the same as the original equation. So, it is not parallel.

D: -4x - 2y = -7
To get it in slope-intercept form, solve for y:

-2y = 4x - 7
Divide every term by -2:

y = -2x + 7/2

The slope of Option D is -2, which is the same as the original equation. So, it is parallel.

E: 2y = 4x + 7
To get it in slope-intercept form, divide every term by 2:

y = 2x + 7/2

The slope of Option E is 2, which is the same as the original equation. So, it is parallel.

Therefore, the equations that have graphs parallel to the graph of 4x-2y=7 are B: 7 - 4x = 2y, D: -4x - 2y = -7, and E: 2y = 4x + 7.

Let's move on to the next question.

To determine if the two lines 7x + 5y = 35 and y = -7/(5x - 1) are parallel, perpendicular, or neither, we'll compare their slopes.

The equation 7x + 5y = 35 is already in standard form (Ax + By = C), so we can easily find its slope.

Rearranging the equation, we have:

5y = -7x + 35
Divide every term by 5:

y = (-7/5)x + 7

The slope of the first equation is -7/5.

Now let's analyze the second equation, y = -7/(5x - 1). This equation is in slope-intercept form (y = mx + b), where m represents the slope.

From this form, we can see that the slope of the second equation is also -7/5.

Since the two equations have the same slope, they are parallel.

Now let's move on to the last question.

To determine which line is not parallel to y = 5x + 2, we need to compare their slopes. Remember, parallel lines have the same slope.

The given equation, y = 5x + 2, is already in slope-intercept form (y = mx + b).

Its slope is 5.

Now let's analyze the options:

A: 5y - x = 1
Rearrange it to the slope-intercept form:

5y = x + 1
Divide every term by 5:

y = (1/5)x + 1/5

The slope of Option A is 1/5, which is not the same as the slope of the original equation. So, it is not parallel.

B: 5x - y = 1
Rearrange it to the slope-intercept form:

-y = -5x + 1
Multiply every term by -1:

y = 5x - 1

The slope of Option B is 5, which is the same as the slope of the original equation. So, it is parallel.

C: y - 5x = 4
Rearrange it to the slope-intercept form:

y = 5x + 4

The slope of Option C is 5, which is the same as the slope of the original equation. So, it is parallel.

D: 10x - 2y = 1
Rearrange it to the slope-intercept form:

-2y = -10x + 1
Divide every term by -2:

y = 5x - 1/2

The slope of Option D is 5, which is the same as the slope of the original equation. So, it is parallel.

Therefore, the line that is not parallel to y = 5x + 2 is Option A: 5y - x = 1.

I hope this explanation helps you understand the process of finding parallel and perpendicular lines! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.