“Picture that you are one of the founding fathers of the United States helping the Continental Congress form the new American government. Choose one enlightenment idea/view you feel is most important to include in the new government structure . explain in detail why you feel this is an important part of the government's foundation to include. also reference which enlightenment philosopher originally wrote about this idea and his views”

Please help, I'm stuck on this

Sure! I can help you with that. One of the most important Enlightenment ideas that would be crucial to include in the new American government structure is the concept of separation of powers.

The idea of separation of powers originated from the French political philosopher Montesquieu in his influential work "The Spirit of the Laws." Montesquieu believed that political power should be distributed among different branches of government to prevent tyranny and ensure the protection of individual liberties.

Including the idea of separation of powers in the new government structure is important for several reasons:

1. Checks and balances: By separating power among different branches, such as the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, each branch can serve as a check on the others. This system creates a system of checks and balances, preventing any one branch from becoming too powerful and potentially abusing their authority. This ensures that no single person or group has unchecked power and helps to safeguard against tyranny.

2. Protection of individual rights: The separation of powers helps to protect individual rights and liberties by ensuring that power is not concentrated in the hands of a few. With a system that distributes power and includes checks and balances, decisions and policies are more likely to be fair, just, and respectful of individual rights.

3. Preventing corruption: By dividing power, the separation of powers can help to minimize opportunities for corruption. No single branch or individual can have absolute control over the government, reducing the chances of abuses of power and promoting accountability.

4. Stability: Separation of powers provides stability to the government. It prevents sudden changes or extremist policies by requiring coordination and cooperation among different branches to enact significant changes. This stability is essential for the functioning and longevity of a democratic government.

In conclusion, the inclusion of the concept of separation of powers in the new government structure is vital because it prevents the concentration of power, protects individual rights, prevents corruption, and promotes stability. The ideas originated from Montesquieu, a French political philosopher who emphasized the importance of distributing power to ensure the preservation of individual liberties and prevent despotism.