Can you check my answers?

1. Figurative language is language that..

are words that have multiple meanings.

goes beyond the words’ literal meanings. ***

is made up of words that contradict each other.

explains the literal meaning of words.

2. Which option describes hyperbole?

a comparison of two unlike things without using the words like or as

an exaggeration so extreme that it is not meant to be taken seriously ***

human characteristics given to non-human things

descriptions that evoke one of the five senses

3. Which sentence contains an example of alliteration?

Emery walked down the street as if the pavement were hot lava.

Jared spoke in a loud voice that echoed through the woods. ***

Felix was frantic over his new schedule and forgot his homework.

The wind howled through the trees during the storm.

4. Which of the following is a type of figurative language?


literal phrase

metaphor ***


5. When are similes and metaphors used?

They are used to show human qualities.

They are used to show an exaggeration.

They are used to show a feeling.

They are used to show a comparison. ***


Felix was frantic over his new schedule and forgot his homework.

Please tell me if I'm right or wrong

Update I sumbitted it 3 is wrong the rest were right

You will get 100% if you follow the answers have a nice day <3


To check the answers, let's go through each question and explanation:

1. Figurative language is language that..
- Words that have multiple meanings is not the correct answer because that describes words that are ambiguous or have different interpretations.
- Explains the literal meaning of words is also not correct because figurative language actually goes beyond literal meanings.
- Made up of words that contradict each other is not accurate either. Figurative language does use different elements, but not necessarily contradictory ones.
- The correct answer is "goes beyond the words’ literal meanings."

2. Which option describes hyperbole?
- A comparison of two unlike things without using the words like or as would be a metaphor, not hyperbole.
- Descriptions that evoke one of the five senses doesn't describe hyperbole; it may refer to sensory imagery.
- Human characteristics given to non-human things would be personification, not hyperbole.
- The correct answer is "an exaggeration so extreme that it is not meant to be taken seriously."

3. Which sentence contains an example of alliteration?
- Emery walked down the street as if the pavement were hot lava doesn't contain alliteration.
- Jared spoke in a loud voice that echoed through the woods is the correct answer as it uses the repetition of the "v" sound.
- Felix was frantic over his new schedule and forgot his homework is not an example of alliteration.
- The wind howled through the trees during the storm does not use alliteration.
- The correct answer is "Jared spoke in a loud voice that echoed through the woods."

4. Which of the following is a type of figurative language?
- Denotation is not a type of figurative language; it refers to the literal or dictionary definition of a word.
- Literal phrase refers to a phrase without any exaggeration or figurative elements.
- Connotation refers to the emotional or cultural associations attached to a word.
- The correct answer is "metaphor," which is a type of figurative language that compares two things without using "like" or "as."

5. When are similes and metaphors used?
- They are not used to show human qualities; they compare things or create vivid imagery.
- They are not specifically used to show an exaggeration; hyperbole is used for that purpose.
- They are not used to show a feeling exclusively.
- The correct answer is "They are used to show a comparison."

Please let me know if you have any further questions or if there's anything else I can assist you with!