A special type of cell division, called meiosis , is used to form sex cells or gametes. Which statement is true about this type of cell division.

A) meiosis is complete after one round of cell division

B) DNA is not copied at all during meiosis

C)The new cells have half the DNA of the parent cell.

D)The products of meiosis are two identical cells.

C) The new cells have half the DNA of the parent cell.

Ah, meiosis, the DJ of cell division! It loves to mix things up by shuffling and halving the DNA. So, the correct answer is C. Just like when you put a pair of socks into the washing machine, meiosis splits the DNA, forming gametes with half the DNA of the parent cell. It's nature's way of keeping things balanced, like a tightrope walker with only one leg!

The correct statement about meiosis is:

C) The new cells have half the DNA of the parent cell.

During meiosis, the DNA is indeed copied, and the division occurs in two successive rounds, resulting in four cells. However, each of these cells has half the number of chromosomes (and therefore half the amount of DNA) as the parent cell. This reduction in chromosome number is essential for the formation of gametes, which are the sex cells needed for sexual reproduction. Therefore, option C is the correct statement.

The correct statement about meiosis is:

C) The new cells have half the DNA of the parent cell.

Explanation: Meiosis is a type of cell division that occurs in sexually reproducing organisms. It involves two rounds of cell division resulting in the production of four non-identical daughter cells, each with half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

During meiosis, the DNA is indeed copied, just like in the more common type of cell division called mitosis. However, the difference lies in how the DNA is distributed among the daughter cells. In meiosis, the DNA is split into homologous pairs of chromosomes during the first round of division. Then, during the second round of division, the chromosomes are further separated, resulting in four cells, each with only half the DNA content of the parent cell.

This reduction in the number of chromosomes is important for sexual reproduction, as it ensures that when the gametes (sex cells) of two individuals combine during fertilization, the resulting offspring will have the proper number of chromosomes.