1. How does an author show the development of a character in a story?

by providing the physical descriptions of all the characters in the story

by describing the strengths of all the characters in the story

by revealing the backgrounds of the main characters in the story

by showing how the characters respond to different events in the story******

2. At what point in the story does the reader get a clear idea of who the characters are becoming?

when the problem is resolved

when the main problem arises****

when the author first reveals a character’s thought

when a new character is introduced

3. What does the setting of a story influence?

the character and plot development*****

the definitions of new vocabulary

the information about the narrator

the text features and structure

4. What does the setting of a story involve?

the climax of the story

time, place, and social arena*****

the characters of the story

the point of view of the narrator

Answers for Character's Responses Quick Check 6th grade btw<33

Homework helper is wrong I got a 25

the real answers
1.by showing how the characters respond to different events in the story
2.when the main problem arises
3.their motivations
4.Shocked by the devastating bush fires in Australia, Joseph chose to overcome his fear of animals to help at one of the local shelters.

the real answers are this FOR CONNEXUS

1.by showing how the characters respond to different events in the story
2.when the main problem arises
3.their motivations
4.Shocked by the devastating bush fires in Australia, Joseph chose to overcome his fear of animals to help at one of the local shelters.

Hope that helps ~-~ also yes I still like tribetwelve after the Adam thing. BITE ME

For question 3. their motivations is not on my Connexus quick check.

I just did the quick check these are the ACTUAL answers. (only for Connexus kids unit 5 lesson 9

1.How does an author show the development of a character in a story?
1 Answer. by showing how the characters respond to different events in the story

2.How does an author show the development of a character in a story?
2 Answer. when the main problem arises

3.What does the setting of a story influence?
3 Answer. the character and plot development

4.What does the setting of story involve?
4 Answer. time, place, and social arena

HE post them. ********************

omg it was right ty!


Thanks you for the help and when you need help we will help ok

i just need answers.. :/

anonymous is right