What do claims show about the writer? Select two answers.(1 point)

his or her conclusions that have been formed about the topic
his or her conclusions that have been formed about the topic

his or her organizational structure for writing about the topic
his or her organizational structure for writing about the topic

his or her writing process with a certain topic
his or her writing process with a certain topic

his or her flexibility when writing about a topic
his or her flexibility when writing about a topic

his or her beliefs about the topic that is being written about
his or her beliefs about the topic that is being written about

The claims show two aspects about the writer:

1) His or her conclusions that have been formed about the topic.
2) His or her beliefs about the topic that is being written about.

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The two answers that show what claims reveal about the writer are:

1. His or her conclusions that have been formed about the topic
Claims reflect the writer's conclusions or opinions that they have developed after analyzing the topic. The claims made in their writing indicate their specific viewpoint or stance on the topic.

2. His or her beliefs about the topic that is being written about
Claims also demonstrate the writer's beliefs or values regarding the subject matter. Through their claims, writers reveal their personal perspectives and attitudes towards the topic they are discussing.

his or her conclusions that have been formed about the topic

his or her conclusions that have been formed about the topic

his or her conclusions that have been formed about the topic

his or her beliefs about the topic that is being written about