Simplify (6x^-2)^2(0.5x)^4.

Please show work…I am not very good at this. I don’t understand, so if you can please show steps. Thank you!

Just remember a couple of basic rule

(ab)^n = a^n * b^n
(a^m)^n = a^(mn)
a^m * a^n = a^(m+n)

6^2 x^-4 * 1/2^4 * x^4
36/16 x^0

Your right tenders I did come here for answers but I got answers and even if I didn't get the right answers I would not yell at a stranger on the internet for it.

@oobleck is right!

woah @tenders needs to calm down lol

I don't mean to be rude but I don't think oobleck is failing you tenders. You are failing yourself because if you counted on some stranger on the internet to give you answers I believe this is on you tenders.

oobleck is right!!!


Sorry you feel that way tenders. I did not think it came across that way but I'm going to leave this toxic chat now.

can't wait for tenders to show up but anyway

oobleck is right but I don't really understand how they got to where they did.
like, they had the little rule but I can't really understand when it's just in number form. if somebody could explain it that would be great. thanks


BRUH-like why would you put somethin wrong in here just to FAIL PEOPLE ON purpose :((((((