tion of the Horse Quick Check Which statement best describes why modern horses look the way they do?(1 point)Aspects of horse anatomy evolved within a few generations to suit their environment. Aspects of horse anatomy evolved within a few generations to suit their environment. Aspects of horse anatomy evolved over millions of years to suit their environment.Aspects of horse anatomy evolved over millions of years to suit their environment.Aspects of horse anatomy evolved over hundreds of years to suit their environment. Aspects of horse anatomy evolved over hundreds of years to suit their environment. Aspects of horse anatomy evolved within a generation to suit their environment. Aspects of horse anatomy evolved within a generation to suit their environment.

Which statement best describes why modern horses look the way they do?(1 point)

Aspects of horse anatomy evolved within a few generations to suit their environment.

Aspects of horse anatomy evolved over millions of years to suit their environment.

Aspects of horse anatomy evolved over hundreds of years to suit their environment.

Aspects of horse anatomy evolved within a generation to suit their environment.

The statement that best describes why modern horses look the way they do is: "Aspects of horse anatomy evolved over millions of years to suit their environment."

The statement that best describes why modern horses look the way they do is: "Aspects of horse anatomy evolved over millions of years to suit their environment."

To understand why modern horses look the way they do, we need to consider the process of evolution. Evolution is a gradual change in the inherited characteristics of a population over successive generations. In the case of horses, their anatomy has evolved over millions of years due to natural selection and adaptation to their environment.

Horses, as we know them today, have evolved from small, multi-toed ancestors that lived millions of years ago. Over time, these early horse ancestors underwent a series of changes in their anatomy. For example, their limbs became longer and developed a single hoof, their teeth became specialized for grazing on grass, and their body size increased.

These changes occurred gradually over millions of years, driven by environmental factors such as changes in vegetation, climate, and the presence of predators. Horses with traits that were advantageous in their environment had a better chance of survival and reproduction, passing on their favorable traits to future generations.

Therefore, it is accurate to say that aspects of horse anatomy evolved over millions of years to suit their environment.