what was the uncles name in the book Tiltawhirl John by Gary Paulsen

Since this is not my area of expertise, I searched Google under the key words "'Tiltawhirl John' Uncle" to get this possible source:


I hope it helps. Thanks for asking.

In order to find the name of the uncle in the book "Tiltawhirl John" by Gary Paulsen, I would recommend conducting an online search. You can start by searching for the title of the book along with relevant keywords, such as "uncle's name in Tiltawhirl John." This search will provide you with various sources, including book reviews, summaries, or discussions that might mention the uncle's name. You can click on the search results to explore these sources and find the desired information.

Additionally, you can search for the book on platforms like Goodreads or Amazon, where you can find user reviews, book descriptions, or question and answer sections that might contain the uncle's name. By utilizing these online resources, you can quickly find the information you are looking for.