Round off 6823617 to the nearest 5

Unclear. It could be either 6,823,600 or 6,823,615.

??? If you can round to 6823600, why not to 6823620? or 6824000?

7 to the nearest 5 is 5

To round off a number to the nearest 5, follow these steps:

1. Identify the digit in the units place: In this case, the digit in the units place is 7.

2. Determine the difference between the digit in the units place and 5: To find the difference, subtract 5 from 7. The difference is 2.

3. If the difference is less than 2, round down to the nearest 5. If the difference is equal to or greater than 2, round up to the nearest 5.

In this case, the difference is 2 which is equal to 2. Therefore, we need to round up.

4. Replace the digit in the units place with the nearest 5: Since we need to round up, we add the difference of 2 to the original digit of 7. 7 + 2 = 9.

Therefore, when rounding off 6823617 to the nearest 5, the result is 6823620.