Can someone help me figure out the overall tone of the poem

overall tone? Geepers, he doesn't say much nice about her at all, even says her breath reeks, and she makes heavy like footprints. But he loves here anyway, despite all this.

Most girls would not be happy with all he said.

I always thought the tone was something like "You're not very appealing when it comes to the senses but I love you for your personality"

Of course! To determine the overall tone of a poem, there are a few steps you can follow:

1. Read the poem: Start by reading the poem carefully, paying attention to the language, imagery, and emotions portrayed.

2. Identify the speaker: Consider who the speaker is in the poem. Is it the poet himself or herself, or is it a fictional character? Understanding the perspective of the speaker can give you a clue about the tone.

3. Observe the language: Look for specific words, phrases, and literary devices used in the poem. Words such as "joyful," "sad," "melancholic," "angry," or "serene" can indicate the overall tone.

4. Analyze the imagery: Pay attention to the imagery presented in the poem. Is it vivid and colorful, or is it dark and gloomy? Imagery is often tied to emotions and can provide insights into the tone.

5. Consider the theme: Reflect on the central theme or message of the poem. The tone is often aligned with the theme, so understanding the underlying ideas can help decipher the tone.

6. Trust your intuition: Lastly, trust your own interpretation and feelings about the poem. Your emotional response to the words and imagery can guide you towards understanding the overall tone.

By employing these steps, you can gain a deeper understanding of the poem and its tone.