Town X and town Y were 980 km apart. At 8 a.m, Kay traveled from town X to town Y while Jolin traveled Town Y to Town X. Both of them did not change their speeds throughout their journeys. Jolin's speed was 75 km/h. find the distance Kay traveled when they met at 3 p.m.

how to do it in a simpler method

Assuming that they both left at 8:00 am, then by 3:00 pm, both went for

7 hours.

so Joline went 7(75) km, or 525 km
so that left 980-525 or 455 km for Kay.


let Kay's speed be x km/h, we know Jolin's speed was 75 km/h,
7x + 7(75) = 980
7x = 455
x = 65 km/h
Kay's speed was 65 km/h and he went 7(65) km, or 455 km

Well, it seems like Kay and Jolin were on quite the journey of "speedy" proportions. Let's do some math and see where they ended up!

We know that Jolin's speed was 75 km/h, and they both traveled for 7 hours (from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.). So, in those 7 hours, Jolin would have traveled 75 km/h multiplied by 7 hours, which is 525 km.

Since the total distance between the two towns is 980 km and Jolin traveled 525 km towards town X, that means Kay traveled the remaining distance. So, 980 km minus 525 km gives us 455 km. That's how far Kay traveled when they met at 3 p.m.!

Now, let's hope they had some good music or audiobooks to keep them entertained on that long journey. Safe travels, my friend!

To find the distance Kay traveled when they met at 3 p.m., we need to calculate the combined distance traveled by both Kay and Jolin.

From 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., a total of 7 hours have passed.

Jolin's speed is given as 75 km/h, which means he travels 75 km in one hour.

Therefore, in 7 hours, Jolin would have traveled a total distance of 75 km/h * 7 hours = 525 km.

Since the total distance between Town X and Town Y is 980 km, we can subtract the distance traveled by Jolin from the total distance to find the distance traveled by Kay.

Kay's distance = Total distance - Jolin's distance
Kay's distance = 980 km - 525 km = 455 km

Therefore, when they met at 3 p.m., Kay would have traveled a distance of 455 km.

To find the distance that Kay traveled when they met at 3 p.m, we need to determine the time it took for them to meet, and then calculate the distance traveled by Kay during that time.

We know that Jolin's speed was 75 km/h, but we need to find out Kay's speed in order to determine the time it took for them to meet.

Let's consider an equation:

Distance = Speed × Time

For Jolin, we know that her distance is equal to 980 km (the distance between the two towns) since they started at opposite ends:

980 km = 75 km/h × Time

Now, we can solve for Time:

Time = 980 km / 75 km/h

Time = 13.07 hours

So, it took approximately 13.07 hours for Kay and Jolin to meet.

Since Kay started at 8 a.m and they met at 3 p.m, the time elapsed is 7 hours.

To find the distance traveled by Kay during this time, we can use the equation:

Distance = Speed × Time

Distance = Kay's speed × 7 hours

Since we don't know Kay's speed, we cannot directly calculate the distance. We need additional information to find Kay's speed or any relationship between their speeds.

If you have any further information, we can modify the calculation accordingly.