How did California Gold Rush affect its population and culture chose all that apply

(2 points)
It made it less populous
It made it less diverse
It made it more diverse

1. B D

2. B
3. C

I hate my life

1 it made it more populous/ it made it more diverse

2 it caused population growth
3 increasing tourism

1. B&D (it made it more populous, it’s made it more diverse)

2.B (it caused population growth)
3. C (increasing tourism)

Migration and Cultural Exchange: Natural Resources, Migration, and Trade (unit 6, lesson 5)

1. How did California's gold rush affect its population and culture? Choose all that apply.
B & D: It made it more populous. It made it more diverse

2. How did the discovery of an oil Spindletop change Texas?
B: It caused population growth

3. How is the Interoceanic Highway changed by Brazil and Peru?
C: Increasing tourism


To determine how the California Gold Rush affected its population and culture, we can examine historical records and analyze the impact of this significant event. Here are the different effects and their explanations:

1. It made it more populous: The California Gold Rush attracted a massive influx of people from around the world, seeking fortune and economic opportunities. As news of the gold discovery spread, individuals and families migrated to California in large numbers. The population exploded, transforming California from a sparsely populated region into a densely populated state almost overnight.

2. It made it more diverse: The Gold Rush attracted prospectors from various backgrounds, ethnicities, and nationalities. People from different parts of the United States, Europe, China, Latin America, and other regions flocked to California seeking gold. This influx of diverse individuals significantly impacted the cultural landscape of the state. It brought an amalgamation of customs, languages, and traditions, contributing to the cultural diversity that characterizes California today.

Based on the effects mentioned, the correct choices would be:

- It made it more populous
- It made it more diverse