1: Which of these statements about President McKinley best identifies him as an expansionist?

A. He initially hesitated to enter into war with Spain.

B. He feared that new U.S. naval ships were untested.

C. He paid Spain a large sum to secure the Philippines.

D. He put out a national call for men to join the military.

2: Trace the impact of World War I on Prohibition and the women’s suffrage movement. Arrange events in order, starting with the first on top.

World War I ends.

The United States enters World War I.

Congress ratifies the Prohibition amendment.

Congress ratifies the women's suffrage amendment.

3: During the 1920s, how did the growth of immigrant populations in cities cause a cultural backlash in the United States?

A. The economy took a downturn due to increased competition for jobs in urban areas.

B. The government initiated the Emergency Immigration Act of 1921 to remove limits on immigration.

C. Immigrants launched protests due to the United States’ involvement in World War I.

D. Many Americans in rural areas felt that their way of life was being threatened.

4: What was key to the Supreme Court's argument in the verdict of the 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson case?

A. equal protection under the law

B. the doctrine of separate but equal

C. the collapse of Reconstruction governments

D. the constitutionality of voting for all citizens

5: Which political party emerged out of the farmers' movements of the late 1800s?

A. the Democratic Party

B. the Populist Party

C. the Republican Party

D. the Whig Party

6: What caused the Great Migration during the 1920s?

A. Industrial growth led to the creation of more roads.

B. European immigrants were curious about the United States.

C. Young women pursued new opportunities for education.

D. African Americans wanted more rights and better-paying jobs.

7: How did Prohibition affect society during the 1920s?

A. It contributed to economic growth, consumerism, and new technological developments.

B. It became the centerpiece of literature and music within the Harlem Renaissance.

C. It sparked a controversial debate that led to the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti.

D. It resulted in a new subculture of bootleggers, speakeasies, and organized crime.

8: Which of the following best describes the Progressive movement?

A. an effort to roll back the social reforms of the Populist movement

B. an attempt to address the problems associated with the Gilded Age

C. an undertaking intended to limit democratic reforms in government

D. an enterprise focused on preventing businesses from being regulated

9: Which of the following 1920s topics frequently appeared in the writing of the Lost Generation? Select the two correct answers.

A. culture of consumerism

B. nativist attitudes toward immigrants

C. laissez-faire theory

D. aftermath of World War I

E. racial inequalities

10: Which of the following was a result of the labor movement during the Progressive Age?

A. Antitrust laws were enacted to protect workers.

B. The rights of women in the workforce were recognized.

C. Anti-discrimination laws were passed to protect minority workers.

D. New regulations improved the safety and health of factory workers.

(question) Which of these statements about President McKinley best identifies him as an expansionist?

(answer) He paid Spain a large sum to secure the Philippines.

(question) Use the quote to answer the question.
“I am tired; my heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands I will fight no more forever.” —Chief Joseph, Nez Percé Tribe, 1877.
What is Chief Joseph's response to western settlement an example of?
(answer) surrender

(question) Why was annexing Hawaii important to the U.S.?
(answer) Hawaii was a strategic location for a naval base.

(question)How did Theodore Roosevelt use big stick diplomacy to construct the Panama Canal?
(answer) Roosevelt supported Panama's revolution against Colombia.

(question) What was an unintended consequence of William Howard Taft's use of dollar diplomacy in U.S. relations with Latin America?
(answer) It caused Latin American countries to increasingly resent U.S. interference in their affairs.

(question)Germany and other European nations invested in larger and more modern naval armaments. This is an example of what factor that led to World War I?
(answer) militarism

(question)Who were the Harlem Hellfighters?
(answer) an infantry regiment of African American soldiers that served in World War I

(question)Which is a true statement about how World War I affected working conditions in the United States?
(answer) The federal government agreed to support labor unions in return for a no-strike promise from unions.

(question)Despite President Woodrow Wilson’s efforts, the United States never officially signed the Treaty of Versailles. Why was this the case?
(answer) Many U.S. senators opposed the League of Nations and voted against the treaty

(question)Trace the impact of World War I on Prohibition and the women’s suffrage movement. Arrange events in order, starting with the first on top.
(answer) lol idk you'll have to do this on your own

(question)What was a common policy feature of the Republican presidents in the 1920s?
(answer) laissez-faire economic policies

(question)What was the purpose of the Morrill Acts of 1862 and 1890?
(answer) They set aside land and money for affordable land-grant colleges.

(question)How did Charles Lindbergh’s flight to Paris affect the aviation industry in the 1920s?
(answer) The aviation industry experienced a boom because Americans felt safer flying in an airplane.

(question)What was a pull factor for European immigrants in the late 1800s?
(answer) factory jobs in American cities

(question)During the 1920s, how did the growth of immigrant populations in cities cause a cultural backlash in the United States?
(answer) Many Americans in rural areas felt that their way of life was being threatened.

(question)What was key to the Supreme Court's argument in the verdict of the 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson case?
(answer) the doctrine of separate but equal

(question)Use the passage to answer the question. What is the writer’s claim?
(answer) Until a majority of women in Massachusetts say they want the vote, the state constitution should not be amended.

(question)Which political party emerged out of the farmers' movements of the late 1800s?
(answer) the Populist Party

(question)What caused the Great Migration during the 1920s?
(answer) African Americans wanted more rights and better-paying jobs.

(question)Use the political cartoon to answer the question. The spirit of Tweed is mighty still. Which statement best interprets the message of this cartoon?
(answer) Boss Tweed was gone, but corruption was still a problem in New York's government.

(question)How did Prohibition affect society during the 1920s?
(answer) It resulted in a new subculture of bootleggers, speakeasies, and organized crime.

(question)Which of the following best describes the Progressive movement?
(answer) an attempt to address the problems associated with the Gilded Age

(question)Which of the following 1920s topics frequently appeared in the writing of the Lost Generation? Select the two correct answers.
(answers) "culture of consumerism", and "aftermath of World War I"

(question)Which of the following was a result of the labor movement during the Progressive Age?
(answer) New regulations improved the safety and health of factory workers.

(question)Compare and contrast how the North and South organized their armies. Drag each item to the correct category.
north: "offered bounties to volunteers"
south: "forced African Americans to serve the army"
both north and south: "passed conscription, or draft, laws" and "offered ways for wealthy citizens to avoid serving"

(question)What was the primary goal of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)?
(answer) to lobby for laws against the consumption of alcohol

(question)Read the excerpt from Alabama's Ordinance of Secession. Select two highlighted text examples that provide reasons for Alabama's secession.
(answers) "avowedly hostile to the domestic institutions and to the peace and security of the people of the State of Alabama" (and) "is a political wrong of so insulting and menacing a character as to justify the people of the State of Alabama"

(question)Booker T. Washington is noted for which of the following?
(answer) establishing the Tuskegee Institute

(question)Which best describes Theodore Roosevelt’s impact on the election of 1912?
(answer) Progressivism remained an important political movement.

(question)What does the image illustrate in terms of how strategies of the Union and Confederacy differed?
(answer) The image shows that General Grant took a more offensive attack-and-strike strategy.

(question)The Reconstruction Amendments transformed life for African Americans. However, the amendments had unintended consequences. Drag and drop the effects to the correct amendments.
Thirteenth Amendment;
"Many Southern states passed black codes to keep racial discrimination legal." (and) "Its rejection by Johnson and former Confederate states started the period known as Radical Reconstruction."
Fourteenth Amendment; "It angered women's rights leaders."
Fifteenth Amendment; "It caused many southern governments to pass poll taxes, which meant a person had to pay to vote."

(question)Which of the following did Nikola Tesla do that helped advance American industrialization?
(answer) figure out how to send electricity over longer distances

(question)Drag and drop each person to the correct description. Some choices may be used more than once.
(answers) lol idk you'll have to do this on your own

(question)If an unskilled female worker wanted equal pay for her work in the textile industry, which group would be the most likely to help her cause?
(answer) the Knights of Labor

(question) How did the invention of the telegraph impact American society? Select the two correct answers.
(answers) "Business owners in the West could stay in touch with eastern markets." (and) "Those who moved out west could communicate with family members in far-away cities."

(question)How did the Chinese Exclusion Act discriminate against Chinese immigrants?
(answer) Chinese immigration was almost completely banned for a period of time.

(question)Identify the main pull factor that drew both domestic and foreign-born people to move to American cities in the late 1800s.
(answer) job opportunities

(question)Drag and drop each Reconstruction cause and effect to the appropriate category.
Cause of Reconstruction;
"Southern states have to rejoin the Union."
"Southern economy and infrastructure needs rebuilding after the Civil War."
"Radical Republicans passed laws to restructure southern governments."
Effect of Reconstruction:
"Women began fighting for political rights."
"African Americans have more rights and influence."

(question)Which of the following statements was true of the Progressive Era?
(answer) The government took a more active role in regulating business.

(question)What problem did Frederick Jackson Turner's frontier thesis expose?
(answer) America's unique development could not continue in the absence of a frontier.

and there you go floppa that right their is all the answers to the semester exam hope i helped you UwU

1: C. He paid Spain a large sum to secure the Philippines.

1. The United States enters World War I.
2. World War I ends.
3. Congress ratifies the women's suffrage amendment.
4. Congress ratifies the Prohibition amendment.

3: D. Many Americans in rural areas felt that their way of life was being threatened.

4: B. the doctrine of separate but equal.

5: B. the Populist Party.

6: D. African Americans wanted more rights and better-paying jobs.

7: D. It resulted in a new subculture of bootleggers, speakeasies, and organized crime.

8: B. an attempt to address the problems associated with the Gilded Age.

- D. aftermath of World War I.
- E. racial inequalities.

10: D. New regulations improved the safety and health of factory workers.

1: The best statement that identifies President McKinley as an expansionist is C. He paid Spain a large sum to secure the Philippines. To determine this, we need to understand what expansionism means. Expansionism refers to a policy or belief in expanding the territory or influence of a country. In this case, President McKinley's decision to pay Spain for the Philippines indicates that he aimed to acquire new territories and expand the United States' influence in the world.

2: The events in order are:

1. The United States enters World War I.
2. The end of World War I.
3. Congress ratifies the women's suffrage amendment.
4. Congress ratifies the Prohibition amendment.

To determine this, we need to understand the chronological sequence of events. The United States entering World War I preceded both the end of the war and the ratification of the women's suffrage amendment and the Prohibition amendment.

3: The correct answer is D. Many Americans in rural areas felt that their way of life was being threatened. To determine this, we need to understand how the growth of immigrant populations in cities caused a cultural backlash in the United States during the 1920s. The increase in immigrant populations in cities led to concerns among some Americans in rural areas who perceived these changes as threats to their traditional way of life. This cultural backlash manifested in various forms, including the rise of nativist movements and anti-immigrant sentiments.

4: The key to the Supreme Court's argument in the verdict of the 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson case is B. the doctrine of separate but equal. To determine this, we need to understand the context and the arguments presented in the case. Plessy v. Ferguson dealt with racial segregation laws and the constitutionality of "separate but equal" facilities. The Supreme Court's decision upheld the constitutionality of segregation as long as the separate facilities provided were equal in quality. This decision established the "separate but equal" doctrine, which enabled the continuation of racial segregation for decades.

5: The political party that emerged out of the farmers' movements of the late 1800s is B. the Populist Party. To determine this, we need to know the historical context and the emergence of the Populist Party. The Populist Party was a political party founded in the late 1800s that primarily represented the interests of farmers and advocated for policy reforms to address their economic struggles. The party gained significant support from agrarian communities and played a prominent role in American politics during the Populist movement.

6: The cause of the Great Migration during the 1920s is D. African Americans wanted more rights and better-paying jobs. To determine this, we need to understand the factors that prompted the Great Migration. The Great Migration was the mass movement of millions of African Americans from the rural South to the urban North, primarily between 1910 and 1970. African Americans sought to escape racial discrimination, violence, and limited economic opportunities in the South. They migrated to northern cities to find better job prospects and to pursue greater civil rights and freedoms.

7: Prohibition affected society during the 1920s by causing D. a new subculture of bootleggers, speakeasies, and organized crime. To determine this, we need to understand the impact of Prohibition. Prohibition was a nationwide constitutional ban on the production, sale, and transportation of alcoholic beverages in the United States from 1920 to 1933. Its unintended consequence was the emergence of a black market for alcohol. The ban led to the rise of illegal activities, such as bootlegging (illegal production and distribution of alcohol), secret bars called speakeasies, and the growth of organized crime syndicates that profited from the illegal alcohol trade.

8: The best description of the Progressive movement is B. an attempt to address the problems associated with the Gilded Age. To determine this, we need to understand the goals and objectives of the Progressive movement. The Progressive movement was a reform movement that emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in response to social, economic, and political problems caused by rapid industrialization and urbanization during the Gilded Age. Progressives aimed to address issues such as corruption, political machines, economic inequality, unsafe working conditions, and lack of social welfare programs through various reform efforts.

9: The two topics that frequently appeared in the writing of the Lost Generation during the 1920s are A. culture of consumerism and D. aftermath of World War I. To determine this, we need to understand the concerns and themes prevalent among writers of the Lost Generation. The Lost Generation refers to a group of writers and artists who came of age during World War I and the post-war period. They often depicted the disillusionment, alienation, and moral confusion experienced by the generation after the war. While topics such as cultural consumerism, nativist attitudes, laissez-faire theory, and racial inequalities were relevant during the 1920s, the culture of consumerism and the aftermath of World War I were the primary focus of the Lost Generation.

10: The result of the labor movement during the Progressive Age is D. New regulations improved the safety and health of factory workers. To determine this, we need to understand the goals and impact of the labor movement during the Progressive Age. The labor movement aimed to secure better wages, working conditions, and legal protections for workers. As a result of their efforts, new regulations and legislation were enacted to improve the safety and health of factory workers. These measures included workplace safety standards, the establishment of minimum wage laws, and the regulation of working hours.

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