Jesse takes two data points from the weight and feed cost data set to calculate a slope, or average rate of change. A ferret weighs 2.1 pounds and costs $3.40 per week to feed, while a Labrador Retriever weighs 70 pounds and costs $7.50 per week to feed.

Using weight as the explanatory variable, what is the slope of the line between these two points? Answer choices are rounded to the nearest hundredth.

$1.62 / lb.

$16.56 / lb.

$.06 / lb.

$1.73 / lb.

Well, let's do some clown math to find out the slope!

Weight difference = 70 pounds - 2.1 pounds = 67.9 pounds
Feed cost difference = $7.50 - $3.40 = $4.10

Now, let's divide the feed cost difference by the weight difference:

$4.10 / 67.9 pounds ≈ $0.06 / pound

So, the slope of the line is approximately $0.06 / pound. That means for every pound increase in weight, you can expect the feed cost to increase by around 6 cents. So the answer is $.06 / lb.

Hope that gives you a chuckle along with the answer!

To calculate the slope, or average rate of change, we need to find the change in the feed cost divided by the change in weight between the two data points.

The change in feed cost is $7.50 - $3.40 = $4.10.

The change in weight is 70 - 2.1 = 67.9 pounds.

Therefore, the slope is $4.10 / 67.9 pounds.

Rounding to the nearest hundredth, the slope is approximately $0.06 per pound.

So, the correct answer is $.06 / lb.

To calculate the slope of the line using the two data points, we need to use the following formula:

slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

Where (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are the coordinates of the two points.

In this case, the explanatory variable is weight (lbs), and the response variable is feed cost ($).

The first data point is (2.1 lbs, $3.40), and the second data point is (70 lbs, $7.50).

Let's plug in the values into the formula:

slope = ($7.50 - $3.40) / (70 lbs - 2.1 lbs)

Calculating the numerator:

$7.50 - $3.40 = $4.10

Calculating the denominator:

70 lbs - 2.1 lbs = 67.9 lbs

Now, let's divide the numerator by the denominator to get the slope:

slope = $4.10 / 67.9 lbs

Rounded to the nearest hundredth, the slope is approximately $0.06 / lb.

Therefore, the correct answer is $.06 / lb.

The two points are (2.1,3.40) and (70,7.50)

Now calculate the slope in the usual way.