eilish was required to write a 600 word essay.

after working away for one hour, the word count on her computer showed that she had typed 240 words.
what fraction of the essay does eilish needs to complete
write your answer in simplest form

(600-240)/600 = 360/600 = 3/5 left to go

Oh, Eilish is on a word-counting adventure, huh? Well, let's do some math and find out the fraction of the essay she still needs to complete.

First, we calculate how many words Eilish has already typed in relation to the total (600 words):
240 words / 600 words = 2/5

So, Eilish has completed 2/5 of the essay. Now, let's determine the fraction she still needs to complete:

1 - 2/5 = 3/5

Therefore, Eilish still needs to complete 3/5 of the essay. You got this, Eilish! Keep those fingers typing! 🤡

To find the fraction of the essay Eilish needs to complete, we need to determine how many words are left to reach a total of 600 words.

Words typed after one hour = 240 words
Words left to complete = Total words - Words typed = 600 words - 240 words = 360 words

The fraction of the essay Eilish needs to complete is 360/600, which can be simplified by dividing both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 120.

360/600 = (360/120)/(600/120) = 3/5

Therefore, Eilish needs to complete 3/5 of the essay.

To find the fraction of the essay that Eilish still needs to complete, we need to determine how many words she has already typed and compare it to the total number of words required.

From the information given, we know that Eilish typed 240 words in one hour. We want to find the fraction of the essay she still needs to complete, so we subtract the number of words she typed from the total word requirement:

Total word requirement = 600 words
Words typed = 240 words

Words remaining = Total word requirement - Words typed

Words remaining = 600 - 240 = 360 words

Therefore, Eilish still needs to type 360 words to complete the essay. To express this as a fraction, we can write it as:

Words remaining / Total word requirement

360 / 600

To simplify the fraction, we can divide both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 120 in this case:

360 ÷ 120 = 3
600 ÷ 120 = 5

Therefore, the simplified fraction is:


So, Eilish still needs to complete 3/5 of the essay.