on a map, 1/4 of an inch between locations represents an actual distance of 2 miles between the location. what is the actual distance, in miles between two cities that are 3 3/4 inches apart on the map

3 3/4 = 15/4

so, 15*2mi = 30mi

To find the actual distance between two cities that are 3 3/4 inches apart on the map, we can use the given scale.

The scale is 1/4 inch represents 2 miles.

First, let's calculate the total distance in inches:

3 3/4 inches = 3 inches + 3/4 inch
= (3 * 4/4) inches + 3/4 inch
= 12/4 inches + 3/4 inch
= 15/4 inches

Now, we can use the scale to find the actual distance in miles:

1/4 inch represents 2 miles
So, 15/4 inches will represent x miles.

To find x, we can set up a proportion:

(1/4 inch) / (2 miles) = (15/4 inches) / x miles

Cross-multiplying, we get:

(1/4) * x miles = (2) * (15/4) miles

1 * x = 30/4

x = 30/4

Simplifying the fraction, we have:

x = 7.5 miles

Therefore, the actual distance between the two cities is 7.5 miles.