Did I do thes right? 1. Suppose you are at the gas station filling your tank with gas. The function C(g) represents the cost C of filling up the gas tank with g gallons. Given the equation:

a) What does the number 3.03 represent? The cost for one gallon of gas. 3.03(g)

b) Find C(2); C(2)=3.03(2)= 6.06

c) Find C(9):C(9)= 3.03(9)=27.27

d) For the average motorist, name one value for g that would be inappropriate for this function’s purpose. Explain why you chose the number you did. That would be any negative number. Because you can not buy a negative number of amount of gas.

e) If you were to graph C(g), what would be an appropriate domain? Range? Explain your reasoning. Domain= Non-negative numbers, Range= Non-Negative Numbers. It does not make sense to buy a negative number of gallons of gas.

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a) The number 3.03 represents the cost for one gallon of gas (C(g)).

To determine this, you mentioned the equation 3.03(g). Here, g represents the number of gallons of gas, and 3.03 represents the cost of each gallon. So, the number 3.03 is the cost for one gallon of gas.

b) To find C(2), we substitute g with 2 in the equation C(g) = 3.03(g):

C(2) = 3.03(2) = 6.06

So, C(2) is equal to 6.06.

c) To find C(9), we substitute g with 9 in the equation C(g) = 3.03(g):

C(9) = 3.03(9) = 27.27

So, C(9) is equal to 27.27.

d) For the average motorist, any negative value for g would be inappropriate for this function's purpose.

This is because you cannot purchase a negative amount of gas. Since the function represents the cost of filling up the gas tank with a certain number of gallons, it doesn't make sense to have a negative number of gallons.

e) If you were to graph C(g), an appropriate domain would be non-negative numbers, and the range would also be non-negative numbers.

The domain represents the set of input values (in this case, g) that make sense within the context of the function. Since you can't have a negative number of gallons of gas, non-negative numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, and so on) would be an appropriate domain.

The range represents the set of output values (in this case, the cost C) that the function can produce. Since the cost of filling up the gas tank (C) should always be a positive value or zero (as you can't have a negative cost), non-negative numbers would be an appropriate range.