Visualize a physics experiment scenario. Picture a clean, white lab setting with two objects on a track: one painted in red, indicating its direction as northeast and the other, in blue, showcasing its direction as southwest. The red object is slightly larger, representing its greater momentum of 12 kg-m/s, while the smaller blue object symbolizes its momentum of 4 kg-m/s. They are on a collision course. After the collision, they remain combined or 'stuck' together, indicating a change in momentum post-impact. Please do not include any text in this image.

One object is traveling northeast with a momentum of 12 kg-m/s, while a second object is traveling southwest on the same path as the first object with a momentum of 4 kg-m/s. When the two objects collide, they stick together. What is the momentum after their collision?

(A)16 kg-m/s southwest

(B)8 kg-m/s southwest

(C)16 kg-m/s northeast

(D)8 kg-m/s northeast

I have no answer for this question, I am confused on what they mean about "sticking together"

Physical Science A Semester Exam Test

Q1. Experiments that identified characteristics of atoms provided scientists with atomic weights and atomic numbers, which were used to organize the periodic table.

Q2. A covalent bond would form because the electron would be shared so both hydrogens have a full, stable shell.

Q4. dark grey circles

Q5. K and CI

Q6. in: least and intermediate energy

above: greatest energy

Q7. The scientist is investigating Charles’s law, which shows that temperature and volume are directly proportional.

Q8. Polar sugar molecules dissolve in water, which is polar.

Q9. High temperatures mean more kinetic energy, which keeps sodium and chlorine ions from combining, which increases solubility.

Q10. It accepts protons and only partially dissociates in water.

Q11. PH3 is a stronger acid than NH3.

Q12. It will likely be unreactive.

Q13. Student B, because of the law of conservation of matter.

Q14. The atoms have the same electronegativity.

Q15. AB + CD → AD + CB

Q16. single replacement

Q17. Oxygen is reduced, and iron is oxidized.

Q18. More bond energy is absorbed on the reactants side than is released on the products side.

Q19. The relative numbers of protons and neutrons can differ before and after the change, but the total number of those particles remains the same.

Q20. Fission is a process in which a large nucleus is split into smaller nuclei.

Q21. beta-minus decay

Q22. alpha decay

Q23. 0 N; the rope will stay stationary

Q24. Increased mass results in reduced acceleration.

Q25. The wall applies a force of 50 N in the opposite direction.

Q26. 0.82 N

Q27. Speed is a scalar quantity, and velocity is a vector quantity.

Q28. not moving and is at rest.

Q29. mass

Q30. 11 m

Q31. Its acceleration is positive from 0 seconds to 60 seconds.

Q32. 855 N to the north and 795 N to the east

Q33. Calcium carbonate and calcium oxide are formed at the same rate.

Q34. 300,000 km/s

Q35. friction force

Q36. 130 kg-m/s

Q37. 8 kg-m/s northeast

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Also, I am being truthful this is 100% right to use thank you

Answers cheap and fast is 100% right

Got it, the answer would be D then

I think my answer will be B

sticking together means they don't bounce apart.

m1*v1 + m2*v2 = (m1+m2)*v

"sticking together" means the two masses combine into one

the momentum of the system does not change

the collision is "head on" , so the resulting momentum is the same direction as the larger of the two (N-E)

the magnitude is the difference of the two original momenta