in unity, which view you use to see models, scripts, textures ect. for the entire game?

In Unity, you can use the Project view to see all the assets such as models, scripts, textures, and more that you have imported into your game project. The Project view allows you to organize and navigate through the assets in your project.

To access the Project view:

1. Open Unity Editor.
2. At the bottom of the window, you will find tabs for different views like Scene, Game, Inspector, and Project. Click on the "Project" tab.

Once you are in the Project view, you will see a hierarchical structure that represents the folder structure of your project. By default, Unity includes some default folders like Assets, Packages, and Scenes. You can create additional folders to organize your assets as per your requirement.

To view specific assets, you can expand the corresponding folder in the Project view and browse through the files. You can preview assets by selecting them, and Unity will display a preview in the right-hand side panel.

In addition to the Project view, you can also utilize the search bar at the top of the Project view to quickly find specific assets by name or other criteria. Simply type in the search term, and Unity will filter the assets accordingly.

So, to summarize, in Unity, you can use the Project view to access and manage all the models, scripts, textures, and other assets that you import into your game project. It helps you keep track of your project's assets and easily navigate through them.