1. Which set of mRNA codons could genetically code for a protein with the following amino acid composition.

2.In rabbits, B represents the alleles for black coat and b represents the alleles for white coat. Black is dominant over white. If a rabbit has the genotype Bb, what is the rabbit’s phenotype?

3. A simple change in DNA results in.

4. mRNA is released from the ______ into the cytoplasm where the ______, the organelle responsible for assembling proteins, are located.

5. And this illustration, DNA is unzipping to make mRNA during transcription. DNA acts as a blueprint, pairing bases to make single strands of RNA. Identify the pairings you would see when DNA makes RNA.

6. In horses, black (B) is the dominant color; brown (b) is the recessive color. Consider the cross seen here, between two black horses (Bb). What is the probability that these two horses will have a foal that is brown?

7. Sickle cell disease in an inherited blood disorder. It is a recessive trait. That means you can carry one recessive allele for the disease and not have the symptom. I’m this case, if you were a carrier and did not have the disease, your genotype for sickle cell would be?

8. Your teacher gives you this model of transcription. Choose the statement that best describes the role of DNA in transcription.

9. A DNA molecule has the sequence GCATCCGA. What is the mRNA sequence resulting for this DNA code?

10. DNA is typically found in cells in the form of a very long strand that is coiled many times and contains thousands or millions of nitrogen bases. Which term best describes this very long molecule of DNA?

11. In the structure of DNA, which nucleotide always pairs with adenine?

12. Without ribosomes, a cell would not produce.

13. ______ are different forms of the same gene that are always found on the same position of two homologous chromosomes.

14. A portion of this DNA, known as a _______, is responsible for the inheritance of a trait, like eye color or blood type in humans.

15. All organisms undergo protein synthesis. The first step of protein synthesis, in which a DNA strand is used to make a complementary mRNA strand, is called?

2. B) Black
3. A) A Mutation
4. D) Nucleus, Ribosomes
5. B) A-U and C-G
6. B) 25%
7. B) Heterozygous
8. C) A strand of DNA is used as a template for the formation of RNA
10. A) Chromosome
11. C) Thymine
12. B) Proteins
13. A) Alleles
14. C) Gene
15. C) Transcription

Trust me JUST took the test

And forgot about the part 2…

1. DNA unzips in the nucleus
2. Transcription occurs
3. mRNA moves to the ribosome
4. Translation occurs
5. Protein assembled at ribosome

1. To determine which set of mRNA codons could genetically code for a protein with a specific amino acid composition, you would need to consult a genetic code chart. This chart shows the correspondence between codons (sequences of three nucleotides on mRNA) and the corresponding amino acids. By looking up the amino acids in the given composition and finding the corresponding codons, you can identify the set of mRNA codons.

2. In this question, the genotype of the rabbit is given as Bb. The letter B represents the dominant allele for black coat color, while the lower case b represents the recessive allele for white coat color. Because black coat color is dominant over white, the rabbit's phenotype, or physical appearance, would be black.

3. A simple change in DNA can result in a mutation. Mutations can occur due to various factors, such as errors during DNA replication or exposure to mutagens, and can lead to changes in the genetic code.

4. mRNA is released from the nucleus into the cytoplasm where the ribosomes, the organelle responsible for assembling proteins, are located. The DNA in the nucleus serves as the template for mRNA synthesis through a process called transcription. After transcription, the mRNA molecule is then transported to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm for translation into a protein.

5. During transcription, DNA serves as a template for the synthesis of mRNA. The pairings between bases (nucleotides) in DNA and RNA are as follows: adenine (A) in DNA pairs with uracil (U) in RNA, cytosine (C) in DNA pairs with guanine (G) in RNA, guanine (G) in DNA pairs with cytosine (C) in RNA, and thymine (T) in DNA pairs with adenine (A) in RNA.

6. In the given cross between two black horses with the genotype Bb, the probability of producing a brown foal depends on the genotype of both parent horses. Since black (B) is dominant over brown (b), both horses must carry the recessive brown allele (b) in order to produce a brown foal. The likelihood of this occurring can be determined using Punnett squares or probability calculations. Based on the given information, the probability is 25%.

7. Sickle cell disease is a recessive trait, meaning it requires two copies of the recessive allele to exhibit the disease symptoms. If you are a carrier and do not have the disease, your genotype for sickle cell would be heterozygous (Ss), where S represents the dominant allele and s represents the recessive allele. Heterozygous individuals only carry one copy of the recessive allele, which is not sufficient to cause the disease.

8. In transcription, the role of DNA is to act as a template for the formation of RNA. A strand of DNA is used to synthesize a complementary RNA molecule during the process of transcription. The RNA molecule then carries the genetic information from DNA to the ribosomes, where it is translated into a protein.

9. To determine the mRNA sequence resulting from a given DNA code, you need to follow the base pairing rules. The DNA sequence GCATCCGA would pair with its complementary RNA sequence, which would be CGUAGGCU.

10. The term that best describes the very long molecule of DNA, which is typically coiled and contains thousands or millions of nitrogen bases, is chromosome. Chromosomes are structures made up of DNA and proteins and are located in the nucleus of cells.

11. In the structure of DNA, the nucleotide thymine (T) always pairs with adenine (A). These two bases form a complementary base pair held together by hydrogen bonds. The other complementary base pair is cytosine (C) with guanine (G).

12. Ribosomes are essential for protein synthesis, specifically for the process of translation. They are responsible for reading the mRNA sequence and assembling the amino acids in the correct order to form a protein. Without ribosomes, a cell would not be able to produce proteins.

13. Alleles are different forms of the same gene that are found on the same position, or locus, of two homologous chromosomes. Homologous chromosomes are paired chromosomes that carry the same set of genes, but can have different alleles for each gene.

14. A portion of DNA that is responsible for the inheritance of a trait, like eye color or blood type in humans, is called a gene. Genes are segments of DNA that contain the instructions for making specific proteins, which are responsible for various traits and characteristics.

15. The first step of protein synthesis, in which a DNA strand is used to make a complementary mRNA strand, is called transcription. During transcription, RNA polymerase binds to the DNA and synthesizes a complementary RNA molecule using the base-pairing rules. This mRNA molecule carries the genetic code from DNA to the ribosomes, where it is translated into a protein during the process of translation.