The voracious team members are one pizza each after the swim meet. That had not eaten in several hours. Define voracious.

( ik this one is easy and it’s satisfied but if you guys could put all the answers so I could check it because I have a c and I don’t wanna fail if not it’s ok) :)

What’s the answer I don’t want to fail pls help pls

Voracious means having a great appetite for something, so that would be starving. Could you type out the other questions as well? I don't have access to those lessons.

Atleast it showed 1 answer lol

"this one is easy and it’s satisfied" = incorrect

Then what is it?

Thank you I’ll do that now

Dogs that have been mistreated are often wary around strangers.eventually however they can learn to trust and love people again. Wary means___


3.We can use roots in words to decipher word meaning. For example: If -phobia means fear of What do you think zoophobia means? *

1 point
fear of people
fear of zoos
fear of plants
no fear of animals

4. Which root word means "water" *
1 point

5. And The Truth Shall Make You Free: A Speech On The Principles Of Social FreedomBy Victoria C. Woodhull Our government is based upon this proposition: All men and women are born free and equal and entitled to certain inalienable rights, among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. What we ask is simply that the government follow the spirit of this proposition. Nothing more, nothing less. If that proposition means anything, it means just what it says, without limitation. It means that every person is of equal right as an individual. Every person is free as an individual, and he or she is entitled to pursue happiness however he or she chooses. Now this is absolutely true of all men and all women. But just here some people stop and tell us that everybody must not pursue happiness in his or her own way. They say that to do so absolutely would be to have no protection against the action of an individual. These well-meaning people only see half of what is involved in the proposition. They look at a single individual and lose sight of all others. They do not think about how every other individual beside the one in question is equally due the same freedom. They do not consider how each is free within the area of his or her individual sphere. They do not recognize the fact that the moment one person gets out of his sphere and into the sphere of another, that other must protect him or herself against such an invasion of rights. To all such persons we assert: it is freedom and not despotism which we advocate, and we will demand that individuals be restricted to their freedom if it violates that of others. If life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are inalienable rights in the individual, and government is based upon that inalienability, then it must follow that the functions of that government are to guard and protect the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, to the end that every person may have the most perfect exercise of them. And the most perfect exercise of such rights is only attained when every individual is not only fully protected in his rights, but also strictly restrained to the exercise of them within his own sphere, and prevented from proceeding beyond its limits, so as to encroach upon the sphere of another. From these generalizations, certain specifications can be deduced, by which, all questions of rights must be determined: 1. Every living person has certain rights of which no law can rightfully deprive him. 2. Groups of persons form communities, who form governments to secure regularity and order. 3. Order and harmony can alone be secured in a community where every individual is fully protected in the exercise of all individual rights. 4. Any government which enacts laws to deprive individuals of the free exercise of their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is despotic. Therefore, such laws are not binding upon the people who protest against them, whether they be a majority or a minority. 5. When every individual is secure in the exercise of all his rights, then everyone is also secure from the interference of all other parties. *

1 point
She thinks it is important as long as it stays within its sphere.
She thinks it is a good thing as long as it protects individual rights.
She thinks it is a bad thing because it cannot protect individual rights.
She thinks it is unimportant because individuals can govern themselves.

6. Dog Training For decades, centuries even, the most common way to train a dog was to punish the dog when it did something wrong. This is known as negative training. Often, a choke chain would be used. If the dog did something wrong, such as jumping up on someone or chasing a squirrel, the dog's trainer would swiftly yank on the chain. The choke chain would then squeeze the dog's throat in an uncomfortable way. Dogs learned that they would be choked if they chased squirrels, so they stopped chasing them. Usually. Over the past 20 years, there has been a growing movement of positive dog training. In this method, the dog is taught to do the correct thing rather than being taught not to do the incorrect thing. For example, in positive dog training, the dog is not punished for chasing squirrels. Instead, the dog is rewarded, often with a treat, for staying still by the trainer when squirrels are nearby. After a dog has been rewarded enough times for doing something correctly, eventually it continues to do the correct thing even without a reward. Sometimes, the reward is changed to kind words and rubs rather than treats. There are several benefits to positive dog training. First of all, the person training the dog never has to hurt the dog. Usually, if a person owns a dog, he or she loves dogs and doesn't really like hurting them. Secondly, the dog never has a reason to fear the owner. Fear is what causes dogs to bite people, sometimes for no reason. They are just trying to protect themselves from whatever they fear. If a dog does not fear a person, it has no reason to bite. Overall, this method of training creates a respectful relationship between pet and owner. Rather than one being dominant over the other, both dog and owner are working together. This type of bond can be deeper and more meaningful than any bond built upon hurting and pain. *

1 point
The author disagrees with negative dog training because it creates an unhealthy dynamic through punishment.
The author agrees with negative dog training because it has been used in behavioral correction for centuries.
The author disagrees with negative dog training because it does not always stop dogs from chasing squirrels.
The author agrees with negative dog training because it promotes a respectful relationship between dog and owner.