John lives on a part of earth where the angle of the sun’s eats are very high and the latitude is low

Which temperature does john experience quite often

A. temperatures that are sometimes very high and sometimes low
B. Low temperature
C. moderate temperatures
D. High temperatures

D. High temperatures

D. High temperatures

To determine the temperature that John experiences quite often, we need to understand the relationship between the angle of the sun's rays, latitude, and temperature.

When the angle of the sun's rays is very high, it means that sunlight is hitting the Earth's surface more directly. This typically occurs around the equator or in regions with low latitudes.

In such areas with high sun angles and low latitudes, temperatures tend to be high. The direct sunlight results in greater heating of the Earth's surface, leading to warmer temperatures.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. High temperatures, as John lives in a region with high sun angles and low latitudes.