Apply the distributive property to factor out the greatest common factor. 24+18t =


well get 6 out first
6*4 + 6*3*t
= 6 (4 + 3 t)

To factor out the greatest common factor from the expression 24 + 18t, we need to find the largest number that divides evenly into both terms. In this case, the greatest common factor of 24 and 18 is 6.

Now, we can apply the distributive property, which states that for any numbers a, b, and c:

a(b + c) = ab + ac

In our case, we have:

24 + 18t = 6(4) + 6(3t)

We simplify the expressions:

24 + 18t = 24 + 18t

The result is the same as the original expression because there is no common factor larger than 1 to factor out. Therefore, the equation has already been fully simplified.