Scientists exposed plants to radioactive oxygen in different forms to observe how plants recycle oxygen during photosynthesis. Which conclusion would their observations support? (1 point)

Carbon dioxide and water are recycled into glucose and oxygen gas.
Carbon dioxide and water are recycled into glucose and oxygen gas.

Glucose and water are recycled into carbon dioxide and oxygen gas.
Glucose and water are recycled into carbon dioxide and oxygen gas.

Oxygen gas and water are recycled into glucose and carbon dioxide.
Oxygen gas and water are recycled into glucose and carbon dioxide.

Glucose and oxygen gas are recycled into carbon dioxide and water.

i only typed it once

why do you say everything twice?

why do you say everything twice?

Give me six water, six carbon dioxide. . . I take that and look what I do on the inside. Sunlight as my engine, I can’t wait to taste The glucose I make, chuck six oxygen as waste. I’m the chloroplast. Photosynthesis is my task. It’s a blast and I’m jazzed. Why’d I tell you? ‘cause you asked

can someone help quick PLEASE?

Carbon dioxide and water are recycled into glucose and oxygen gas.

That is why you do not want to lose forests. They remove carbon from the air and release O2.

To determine the conclusion supported by the observations, we need to understand the process of photosynthesis. During photosynthesis, plants take in carbon dioxide from the air and water from the soil, and with the help of sunlight, they convert these substances into glucose (a sugar) and oxygen gas.

In the experiment described, scientists exposed plants to radioactive oxygen in different forms. When plants recycle oxygen during photosynthesis, the radioactive oxygen can be traced to understand how it is being used.

Based on the options provided, the correct conclusion supported by their observations would be:

Option 1: Carbon dioxide and water are recycled into glucose and oxygen gas.

During photosynthesis, plants recycle carbon dioxide and water and convert them into glucose (sugar) and oxygen gas. This conclusion aligns with the process of photosynthesis.