1. Lincoln structured his speech chronologically, speaking about the past, present, and future.

A True
B False

2. The word "proposition" refers to
A the premise that all men are entitled to freedom.
B the premise that all men should fight for their country.
C the premise that all men are created equal.
D all of the above

3. The phrase "But in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground" is an example of
A figurative language.
B imagery.
C repetition.
D metaphor

4. The tone of this speech can best be described as
A haughty
B arrogant.
C foreboding
D humble .

5. The phrase "they gave the last full measure of devotion" means
A they measured the ground for the correct proportions.
B they lost their lives for what they believed in.
C they tried hard but gave up the fight.
D they dedicated the cemetery in devotion.

6. The phrase "The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here" is ironic because
A the speech is famous and people have not forgotten what the men did there
B everyone has forgotten the speech.
C the speech is famous
D the speech is famous and people have forgotten what the men did there .


1. true
2. the premise that all men are created equal
3. repetition
4. humble
5. they lost their lives for what they believed in
6. the speech is famous

1. Answer: A) True

To determine if Lincoln structured his speech chronologically, we can analyze the text of the speech itself. By examining the content and organization of the speech, we can see if Lincoln spoke about the past, present, and future in a chronological order.

2. Answer: A) the premise that all men are entitled to freedom.
To identify the meaning of the word "proposition," we can use a dictionary or look for its context in the speech. In this case, the context suggests that "proposition" refers to the idea or premise that all men are entitled to freedom.

3. Answer: C) repetition.
To identify the rhetorical device used in the phrase "But in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground," we can analyze the structure and effects of the language. In this case, the repetition of the phrases "we cannot" demonstrates a rhetorical technique known as repetition.

4. Answer: D) humble.
To determine the tone of the speech, we can analyze the language and implications of the text. Consider the overall mood and attitude projected by Lincoln's words. In this case, the tone of the speech can be best described as humble, given the reverence and respect expressed towards the fallen soldiers and the humble purpose of the gathering.

5. Answer: B) they lost their lives for what they believed in.
To understand the meaning of the phrase "they gave the last full measure of devotion," we can infer its significance from the context of the speech. In this case, the phrase suggests that the individuals being honored died in service or sacrifice for their beliefs.

6. Answer: A) the speech is famous and people have not forgotten what the men did there.
To determine the irony of the phrase "The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here," we can consider the contrast between the expected outcome and the actual outcome. Despite Lincoln's initial statement, history has proven that the speech itself has become famous, suggesting that people have not forgotten what the men did there.