Robin currently has 50 subscribers on her YouTube channel, and Dimitri currently has 17 subscribers. Robin gains 4 subscribers every week, while Dimitri gains 7 subscribers each week.

Part A: Set up a system of equations to shows each person's subscribers.

Part B: After how many weeks will Robin and Dimitri have the same number of subscribers?

Part C: How many subscribers will Robin and Dimitri have when their subscriber count is equal?

A: R = 50 + 4w

D = 17 + 7w

B: 50 + 4w = 17 +7w

Solve for w.

You should be able to do C from the above information.

C: 122

Thanks !

Part A: To set up a system of equations, let's use the variables:

- r for Robin's current number of subscribers (initially 50)
- d for Dimitri's current number of subscribers (initially 17)
- w for the number of weeks passed

Based on the information given, we can say that:
1. Robin gains 4 subscribers every week, so her number of subscribers after w weeks can be represented as r + 4w.
2. Dimitri gains 7 subscribers every week, so his number of subscribers after w weeks can be represented as d + 7w.

Therefore, the system of equations is:
Equation 1: r + 4w
Equation 2: d + 7w

Part B: To find the number of weeks when Robin and Dimitri have the same number of subscribers, we need to find the value of w where Equation 1 is equal to Equation 2.

r + 4w = d + 7w

We can solve this equation for w:

r - d = 3w
w = (r - d) / 3

Substituting the values:
w = (50 - 17) / 3
w = 33 / 3
w ≈ 11

Therefore, it will take approximately 11 weeks for Robin and Dimitri to have the same number of subscribers.

Part C: To find the number of subscribers Robin and Dimitri will have when their subscriber counts are equal, we substitute the value of w we found (w ≈ 11) into either Equation 1 or Equation 2.

Let's use Equation 1:
r + 4w = d + 7w
r + 4(11) = d + 7(11)

Substituting the values:
50 + 4(11) = 17 + 7(11)
50 + 44 = 17 + 77
94 = 94

Therefore, when Robin and Dimitri have an equal number of subscribers, they will both have 94 subscribers.