The ___ variable responds to the __ variable and goes on the Y-axis.

Select all that apply

1. dependent, independent *
2. independent, dependent
3. control, constant
4. constant, control

You're supposed to choose more than one, but I don't know which.

You gotta start thinkin' B E E, my friend.

What are all the answers

Its is dependent, independent yawl welcome

To answer this question, we need to understand the concepts of dependent and independent variables, as well as the Y-axis on a graph.

In an experiment or study, the dependent variable is the one that is being measured or observed. It is the variable that responds or changes as a result of manipulating the independent variable. The independent variable, on the other hand, is the variable that is manipulated or controlled by the researcher. It is the variable that is causing or influencing any changes in the dependent variable.

Now, the Y-axis on a graph represents the vertical axis, where the dependent variable is typically plotted. So, based on this information:

1. dependent, independent - This is the correct answer because the dependent variable responds to or is plotted on the Y-axis, while the independent variable is the one that is manipulated.
2. independent, dependent - This is also a correct answer because it follows the same logic as the first choice, just with the variables listed in a different order.
3. control, constant - This is incorrect. Control and constant variables are different concepts. Control variables are factors that are kept constant or unchanged throughout an experiment to ensure that the independent variable is the only factor influencing the dependent variable. Constant variables, on the other hand, are variables that do not change during the experiment.
4. constant, control - This is also incorrect for the same reasons mentioned above.

Therefore, the correct answer is options 1 and 2: dependent, independent.