Mitosis Online Practice Answers (Unit 7 Lesson 10: Mitosis Apply)

1. What is the purpose of mitosis
□ Cell specialization
□ Uncontrolled cellular growth
■ Production of new cells
□ Production of sperm and ova
2. In which phase of mitosis does DNA condense into chromosomes?
□ Interphase
□ Telophase
□ Metaphase
■ Prophase
3. Mitosis is the only type of cellular division in which
□ DNA is replicated
■ One parent cell duplicates itself into two identical daughter cells
□ One parent cell duplicates itself into four daughter cells
□ The genetic material differs between the parent and daughter cells
4. An epithelial cell replicates 16 times before entering a state of quiescence. These replicate daughter cells are
□ Further differentiated into specialized cells.
□ Replicated indefinitely.
■ Genetically the same as the parent cell.
□ Phenotypically the same as the parent cell.
5. In which phase of mitosis are the chromosomes separated and pulled to opposite sides of the cell?
□ Prophase
■ Anaphase
□ Telophase
□ Metaphase
6. Two new nuclei are formed during which phase of mitosis?
□ Anaphase
□ Prophase
□ Metaphase
■ Telophase
7. Mitosis is a part of the cell cycle that occurs in all of the following except
□ Protozoans
□ Zooplankton
■ Amoebas
□ Bacteria
8. Consider the process of gene expression. Select the answer that places the steps of gene expression in the correct order.
□ RNA spliced → DNA transcribed → mRNA translated → ribosomes make proteins
□ DNA transcribed → mRNA translated → RNA spliced → ribosomes make proteins
■ DNA transcribed → RNA spliced → mRNA translated → ribosomes make proteins
□ mRNA translated → RNA spliced → DNA transcribed → ribosomes make proteins
9. Which process is being shown in this image?
□ Cell differentiation
□ Senescence
□ Mitosis
■ Gene expression
10. An increase in cell population is called
■ Proliferation
□ Cell differentiation
□ Fibroblast
□ Apoptosis
11. Which cells are responsible for blood clotting?
□ Fibroblasts
□ Basal cells
■ Platelets
□ Macrophages
12. Which statement explains a potential benefit of being a naturally polyploid organism, such as a banana or an amphibian?
■ Natural polyploidy may protect a cell from harmful mutations.
□ Natural polyploidy may increase an organism’s size.
□ Natural polyploidy may decrease the rate of mitosis in cells.
□ Natural polyploidy may protect a cell from gene duplicity.
13. Benzene, a by-product found in cigarettes, increases the risks of cancer and
□ Chronic bronchitis
□ Susceptibility to infections
■ Miscarriage
□ High blood pressure

I'm not responsible for if you got questions wrong; Use at your own risk
Be careful out there. Biology especially tends to scramble the questions; Read the question and answer content to make sure it lines up.


the answers were helpful but just a tip with practice assesments u can just check the answer until u get it right then submit and move to the next question

1. The purpose of mitosis is the production of new cells. But personally, I think it's also a great way for cells to meet new people and socialize. "Hello, my name is Cell. Nice to meet you! Let's divide and conquer life together!"

2. DNA condenses into chromosomes during the prophase of mitosis. It's like giving your DNA a makeover, going from casual and spread out to all dressed up and compact.
3. Mitosis is the only type of cellular division in which one parent cell duplicates itself into two identical daughter cells. I guess it's a classic case of "like parent, like daughter".
4. The replicate daughter cells of an epithelial cell are genetically the same as the parent cell. It's like having mini-me's, but in cell form. I wonder if they also have tiny cell-sized clothing?
5. The chromosomes are separated and pulled to opposite sides of the cell during anaphase in mitosis. It's like a game of tug-of-war, but with DNA instead of a rope. Talk about some serious sibling rivalry!
6. Two new nuclei are formed during telophase of mitosis. It's like the cell saying, "Hey, I'm splitting up, but let's still stay in touch. Here are two new nuclei for us to keep in touch."
7. Mitosis occurs in all of the following except bacteria. I guess bacteria are the rebels of the cellular world, doing their own thing and not following the mitosis trend. Party on, bacteria!
8. The correct order of gene expression is DNA transcribed → RNA spliced → mRNA translated → ribosomes make proteins. It's like following a recipe, but instead of food, you're making proteins. Bon appé!
9. The process shown in the image is gene expression. It's like a grand performance, where the genes show off their talents and create proteins as their masterpiece. Bravo, genes!
10. An increase in cell population is called proliferation. It's like a party where everyone's invited, and the more, the merrier! Let's dance the night away, cells!
11. Platelets are responsible for blood clotting. They're like the superheroes of the circulatory system, swooping in to save the day and stop those pesky bleeding situations. Go platelets, go!
12. One potential benefit of being a naturally polyploid organism, like a banana or an amphibian, is that natural polyploidy may protect a cell from harmful mutations. It's like having an extra layer of protection against life's curveballs. Safety first, organisms!
13. Benzene, a by-product found in cigarettes, increases the risks of cancer and miscarriage. So if you're looking for an excuse to quit smoking, think of your health and the future potential mini-yous. Your lungs and future baby cells will thank you!

Sure! Here are the answers to the Mitosis Online Practice:

1. The purpose of mitosis is the production of new cells.
2. DNA condenses into chromosomes during the Prophase of mitosis.
3. Mitosis is the only type of cellular division in which one parent cell duplicates itself into two identical daughter cells.
4. An epithelial cell replicates 16 times before entering a state of quiescence. These replicate daughter cells are genetically the same as the parent cell.
5. The chromosomes are separated and pulled to opposite sides of the cell during the Anaphase of mitosis.
6. Two new nuclei are formed during the Telophase of mitosis.
7. Mitosis is a part of the cell cycle that occurs in all of the following except bacteria.
8. The correct order of gene expression steps is DNA transcribed → RNA spliced → mRNA translated → ribosomes make proteins.
9. The shown process in the image is gene expression.
10. An increase in cell population is called proliferation.
11. Platelets are responsible for blood clotting.
12. The potential benefit of being a naturally polyploid organism, such as a banana or an amphibian, is that natural polyploidy may protect a cell from harmful mutations.
13. Benzene, a by-product found in cigarettes, increases the risks of cancer and miscarriage.

Please note that these answers are based on the information provided in the Mitosis Online Practice.

To find the answers to the questions, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the question carefully.
2. Look at the options given for each question.
3. Analyze each option and determine which one is correct based on your knowledge of the topic.
4. Select the correct answer from the given options.

Here are the answers to the questions based on the options provided:

1. The purpose of mitosis is the production of new cells.
2. DNA condenses into chromosomes during the Prophase of mitosis.
3. Mitosis is the only type of cellular division in which one parent cell duplicates itself into two identical daughter cells.
4. Daughter cells replicated from an epithelial cell are genetically the same as the parent cell.
5. Chromosomes are separated and pulled to opposite sides of the cell during Anaphase of mitosis.
6. Two new nuclei are formed during the Telophase of mitosis.
7. Mitosis occurs in all of the following except bacteria.
8. The correct order of gene expression steps is DNA transcribed → RNA spliced → mRNA translated → ribosomes make proteins.
9. The process shown in the image is gene expression.
10. An increase in cell population is called proliferation.
11. Platelets are responsible for blood clotting.
12. A potential benefit of being a naturally polyploid organism is that natural polyploidy may protect a cell from harmful mutations.
13. Benzene, a by-product found in cigarettes, increases the risks of cancer and miscarriage.

Remember to use these answers cautiously and consult your study materials or instructor for confirmation.