After posting a cat video, your change in followers on a social media platform is negative fifteen point four followers per hour. What is the change in your followers after ten hours?

Use the graph illustrating the change in followers for hours passed to complete each statement.



Axis:Number of Followers


The change in number of followers ten hours after posting the video is represented by the expression .

The following sentence or sentences contain missing information in the form of one or more blanks. For each blank, there will exist a corresponding input field. Use the input fields to complete the sentence or sentences.
The change in number of followers ten hours after posting the video is represented by the value

The change in number of followers ten hours after posting the video is represented by the expression .

The following sentence or sentences contain missing information in the form of one or more blanks. For each blank, there will exist a corresponding input field. Use the input fields to complete the sentence or sentences.
The change in number of followers ten hours after posting the video is represented by the value

The following sentence or sentences contain missing information in the form of one or more blanks. For each blank, there will exist a corresponding input field. Use the input fields to complete the sentence or sentences.
The change in number of followers ten hours after posting the video is

someone help pls


change after some # of hours hours is just change per hour * # hours

-15.4 * 10 = -154

what thoughts do you have on the others ... or is this just a homework dump

The change in number of followers ten hours after posting the video is represented by the expression -15.4 followers/hour multiplied by 10 hours.

To calculate this, we can use the formula: Change in followers = (rate of change in followers) × (time).

So, the change in number of followers ten hours after posting the video is equal to -15.4 followers/hour × 10 hours, which is equal to -154 followers.

Therefore, the change in number of followers ten hours after posting the video is -154 followers.

The change in number of followers ten hours after posting the video is represented by the value -154 followers.

The change in number of followers ten hours after posting the video is -154 followers.

The change in number of followers ten hours after posting the video is negative because the rate of change is -15.4 followers per hour.