Over time, non-specialists are usually able to assimilate radically new scientific ideas, even though these ideas may seem strange when they are initially introduced. Such was the case with Newtonian physics; when Newton proposed his ideas regarding motion and gravitation in the seventeenth century, they were denounced as unreasonable even by other leading physicists. Eventually, however, Newton’s ideas were generally assimilated. Such will also prove to be the case with quantum mechanics, a twentieth-century science that deals with the behavior of matter and light on the subatomic scale. Eventually, the novelty of quantum mechanics will no longer act as a bar to the comprehension of this theory by the non-specialist.


8) The author of the passage assumes which of the following about quantum mechanics in relation to previous scientific theories?
A) Quantum mechanics is not inherently more difficult for the non-specialist than previous scientific theories.
B) Quantum mechanics has generated less controversy among specialists than previous scientific theories.
C) Quantum mechanics is more important to the history of science than previous scientific theories.
D) Quantum mechanics has more important practical applications than previous scientific theories.

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To answer this question, we need to analyze the passage and determine what the author assumes about quantum mechanics in relation to previous scientific theories. The relevant information in the passage states that non-specialists are usually able to assimilate radically new scientific ideas over time, even though these ideas may seem strange when they are initially introduced. The passage also mentions Newtonian physics as an example of a scientific theory that was initially denounced but eventually assimilated by the non-specialists. The passage then concludes that the same will prove to be the case with quantum mechanics.

Based on this information, we can infer that the author assumes that quantum mechanics is not inherently more difficult for the non-specialist than previous scientific theories. This is because the author suggests that the non-specialists will eventually be able to comprehend quantum mechanics just like they did with Newtonian physics. Therefore, the correct answer is A) Quantum mechanics is not inherently more difficult for the non-specialist than previous scientific theories.