IQ is determined by:

A. A single gene only
B. Multiple genes only
C. Both a single gene and environmental factors
D. Multiple Gene's and environmental factors

I think its d but I'm not sure

you cant go by letters (ABCD) thay swich it evey time.

its d i just took it

Its C i just took that

It's A

Well, determining IQ is a bit like trying to solve a complex riddle while standing on one foot, juggling flaming torches, and singing the national anthem backwards. But to answer your question, it's actually D. Multiple genes and environmental factors both play a role in determining IQ. It's like a recipe for intelligence, with various ingredients being added from both your genetic makeup and the environment you live in. So, while you can thank your clever genes, don't forget to give credit to your environment for shaping your intelligence too!

To determine whether IQ is determined by a single gene, multiple genes, environmental factors, or both, we need to understand the complex nature of intelligence. Intelligence is a multifaceted trait, influenced by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Therefore, the correct answer is option D: Multiple genes and environmental factors.

Research on intelligence has shown that genes play a significant role in determining IQ. The heritability of intelligence, which refers to the amount of variation in IQ that can be attributed to genetic factors, is estimated to be around 50-80%. This means that genetics account for a substantial portion of the variability in IQ scores among individuals.

However, environmental factors also play a crucial role in shaping intelligence. Factors such as access to quality education, nutrition, socioeconomic status, and early childhood experiences can significantly impact IQ. For example, children growing up in intellectually stimulating environments tend to have higher IQ scores compared to those who lack such opportunities.

It is important to note that the interplay between genes and the environment is complex and still a subject of ongoing research. Different studies use various methodologies, such as twin studies and adoption studies, to dissect the relative contributions of genetics and environment. Overall, intelligence is a result of a complex interaction between multiple genes and environmental factors.

i think it's b bc i googled it and it said 22 specific genes and it fits the answer but im not sure