The table shows the height of an elevator above ground level after a certain amount of time. Model the data with an equation. Let y stand for the height of the elevator in feet and let x stand for the time in seconds.

time (s) height (ft)
10 202
20 184
40 148
60 112

slope between

10 202
20 184
= (184-202)/(20-10) = -18/10 = -9/5

slope between
20 184
40 148
= (148-184)/(40-20) = -36/20 = -9/5

slope between
40 148
60 112
= (112-148)/(60-40) = -36/20 = -9/5

so it looks like a linear function with a constant slope of -9/5

using the first data point (10,202)
y - 202 = (-9/5)(x-10)
5y - 1010 = -9x + 90

9x + 5y = 1100

or change it to whatever format you are asked for.