which format is best to show the sequence of battles fought in the American Revolutionary war? Select the correct answer

A. a radio segment
B. a timeline
C. a map
D. a video clip

I have 11

1 timeline
2 so that you can focus on convincing your audience
3 By importance
4 to communicate clearly and to appeal to the audience
5 people who know how to swim can save lives
6 facts
7 The people on magazine covers are role models for younger people and should be shown realistically
8 The audience will need to be alert and attentive
9 informational
10 claims
11 outlining
100 real answers swear on god β€οΈπŸ’―πŸ’Ά

2.so that you can focus on convincing your audience

3.by importance
4.to appeal to the audience, to communicate clearly
5.people who know how to swim can save lives
6. Facts
7. The audience will need to be alert and attentive
8. Informational
9. Claims

A time line

Yea but its a practice yk

To determine which format is best to show the sequence of battles fought in the American Revolutionary War, we can consider the information that needs to be conveyed. In this case, we want to show the chronological order of battles.

In this scenario, the most suitable option would be a timeline (option B). A timeline provides a clear visual representation of events in chronological order, allowing viewers to understand the sequence of battles during the American Revolutionary War easily.

A radio segment (option A) may not be the best choice since it relies solely on auditory information and lacks the visual element necessary to demonstrate the sequence of battles effectively.

A map (option C) is a useful tool for displaying geographic information, but it may not effectively convey the chronological sequence of battles unless it is specifically designed as a timeline map.

A video clip (option D) can be useful in providing a visual representation of battles, but it may not explicitly show the chronological order of events unless it includes a timeline or captions indicating the sequence.

Therefore, option B, a timeline, is the most appropriate format to demonstrate the sequence of battles fought in the American Revolutionary War.

There right timeline. What’s whole test applesauce

10. Outlining

And you think … ?