This graph represents the cost of a taxi ride. Drag tiles to identify the independent and dependent variables in this situation.

Taxi fare graph
Independent variable:

Dependent variable:

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cost depends on miles

To determine the independent and dependent variables in this situation, we need to understand the context of the graph. In this case, the graph represents the cost of a taxi ride.

The independent variable is the variable that is being controlled or manipulated by us, and it typically goes on the x-axis of a graph. The dependent variable, on the other hand, is the variable that is being observed or measured and depends on changes in the independent variable. It typically goes on the y-axis of a graph.

In the context of the taxi fare graph, the independent variable would be the factor that influences or determines the cost of the taxi ride. This could be factors such as the distance traveled, the time of day, or any other relevant factors that affect the fare.

The dependent variable, in this case, would be the cost of the taxi ride, as it depends on the changes in the independent variable.

To determine the exact independent and dependent variables in this situation, it would be necessary to have more specific information about the graph itself or the factors involved in determining the taxi fare.