Based on location in the periodic table, which element has chemical properties that are most similar to iodine (I)?

A. selenium (Se)

B. fluorine (F)

C. xenon (Xe)

D. calcium (Ca)

1. fluorine (F)

2. eight
3. phosphorus (P)
4. Hydrogen shares one valence electron with carbon, and oxygen shares two valence electrons.
5. N2
Valence Electrons Quick Check 100%

thank god for clapzcheekz

clapzcheekz is 100% correct on connexus valence elections quick check

Clapz is correct.

Clapzcheekz is still correct. October/21/2022

see way over there on the right, just before the column of noble gasses is a column of very reactive elements called halogens (group 7) that want an extra electron to fill their outer shell.


clapzcheekz is right except for number 4. The answer is D, The carbon in methane has more valence electrons to share than the carbon in carbon dioxide.