Find the sum.

3 and four-ninths plus 5 and one-third equals what number?

A. 8 and five-twelfths
B. 8 and seven-twelfths
C. 8 and five-ninths
D. 8 and seven-ninths ***

Find the sum.

11 and one-fifth plus 2 and one-half equals what number?

A. 13 and two-tenths
B. 13 and two-sevenths
C. 13 and one-fifth ***
D. 13 and seven-tenths

Find the sum.

7 and four-fifths plus 1 and nine-tenths equals what number?

A. 8 and two-fifths
B. 9 and two-fifths
C. 9 and seven-tenths
D. 8 and seven-tenths ***

Alberto has 2 cats. The smaller cat weighs 10 and three-fourths pounds. The larger cat weighs 15 and one-third pounds. How much do the cats weigh altogether?
A. 26 and one-twelfth pounds
B. 26 and eleven-twelfths pounds
C. 25 and four-sevenths pounds ***
D. 25 and seven-twelfths pounds

Sam rode his bike 7 and one-half miles on Monday, 4 miles on Tuesday, and 6 and one-third miles on Wednesday. How many miles did he ride altogether?
A. 17 and two-fifths ***
B. 17 and three-fifths
C. 17 and one-sixth
D. 17 and five-sixths

Hi just here to check my answers (***)

1. 8 7/9

2. 13 7/10
3. 9 7/10
4. 26 1/12
5. 17 5/6

i got all of them right but not 1 so i put the corect answer if this helps alot!

oh ok thank you so I really only got the first one right?

um ok if I really did only get the first one I'll redo it and then post my answers for a recheck

smh I'm just realizing you gave me the answers sorry

You didn't have to though

Sure! Let's check your answers:

1. 3 and four-ninths plus 5 and one-third equals what number?
To add these mixed numbers, we need to first convert them to improper fractions.

3 and four-ninths becomes (9 * 3 + 4) / 9 = 31/9.
5 and one-third becomes (3 * 5 + 1) / 3 = 16/3.

Now, we add the fractions: (31/9) + (16/3) = (31/9) + (48/9) = 79/9.

To convert this fraction back to a mixed number, we divide the numerator by the denominator: 79 ÷ 9 = 8 remainder 7.

So the sum is 8 and seven-ninths.

Your answer, D - 8 and seven-ninths, is correct!

2. 11 and one-fifth plus 2 and one-half equals what number?
We follow the same steps as above.

11 and one-fifth becomes (5 * 11 + 1) / 5 = 56/5.
2 and one-half becomes (2 * 2 + 1) / 2 = 5/2.

Adding the fractions: (56/5) + (5/2).

We need to find a common denominator for 5 and 2, which is 10. So we rewrite the fractions:

(56/5) + (5/2) = (112/10) + (25/10) = 137/10.

Dividing the numerator by the denominator: 137 ÷ 10 = 13 remainder 7/10.

So the sum is 13 and seven-tenths.

Your answer, C - 13 and one-fifth, is incorrect. The correct answer is D - 13 and seven-tenths.

3. 7 and four-fifths plus 1 and nine-tenths equals what number?
Again, follow the same steps as above.

7 and four-fifths becomes (5 * 7 + 4) / 5 = 39/5.
1 and nine-tenths becomes (10 * 1 + 9) / 10 = 19/10.

Adding the fractions: (39/5) + (19/10).

We need a common denominator for 5 and 10, which is 10. So we rewrite the fractions:

(39/5) + (19/10) = (78/10) + (19/10) = 97/10.

Dividing the numerator by the denominator: 97 ÷ 10 = 9 remainder 7/10.

So the sum is 9 and seven-tenths.

Your answer, D - 8 and seven-tenths, is incorrect. The correct answer is D - 9 and seven-tenths.

4. Alberto has 2 cats, weighing 10 and three-fourths pounds and 15 and one-third pounds. How much do the cats weigh altogether?
To find the total weight, we add the weights of the two cats.

10 and three-fourths becomes (4 * 10 + 3) / 4 = 43/4.
15 and one-third becomes (3 * 15 + 1) / 3 = 46/3.

Adding the fractions: (43/4) + (46/3).

We need a common denominator for 4 and 3, which is 12. So we rewrite the fractions:

(43/4) + (46/3) = (129/12) + (184/12) = 313/12.

Dividing the numerator by the denominator: 313 ÷ 12 = 26 remainder 1/12.

So the total weight of the two cats is 26 and one-twelfth pounds.

Your answer, C - 25 and four-sevenths pounds, is incorrect. The correct answer is B - 26 and eleven-twelfths pounds.

5. Sam rode his bike 7 and one-half miles on Monday, 4 miles on Tuesday, and 6 and one-third miles on Wednesday. How many miles did he ride altogether?
To find the total distance, we add up the distances for each day.

7 and one-half becomes (2 * 7 + 1) / 2 = 15/2.
6 and one-third becomes (3 * 6 + 1) / 3 = 19/3.

Adding the fractions: (15/2) + (19/3).

We need a common denominator for 2 and 3, which is 6. So we rewrite the fractions:

(15/2) + (19/3) = (45/6) + (38/6) = 83/6.

Dividing the numerator by the denominator: 83 ÷ 6 = 13 remainder 5/6.

So Sam rode a total of 13 and five-sixths miles.

Your answer, A - 17 and two-fifths, is incorrect. The correct answer is A - 13 and two-fifths.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

11 and one-fifth plus 2 and one-half

11 2/10 + 2 5/10 = 13 7/10

7 and four-fifths plus 1 and nine-tenths
7 8/10 + 1 9/10 = 8 17/10 = 9 7/10

10 and three-fourths plus 15 and one-third
10 9/12 + 15 4/12 = 25 13/12 = 26 1/12

7 and one-half + 4 + 6 and one-third
7 3/6 + 4 + 6 2/6 = 17 5/6

I get the feeling that you think you can just add the denominators. Nope. You always have to find a common denominator to add fractions. Somehow you got the first one right ...