What product is expected from the reactino of fumaric acid (trans-2-butenedioic acid) with 1,3-butadiene?

This is a Diels-Alder reaction.

You will get 4-cyclohexene-1,2 dicarboxylic acid

You will need to work out the stereochemistry, but for the general structure see


cyclohex-4-ene-trans-1,2-dicarboxylic acid

The reaction between fumaric acid (trans-2-butenedioic acid) and 1,3-butadiene is a Diels-Alder reaction. In this reaction, a diene (1,3-butadiene) reacts with a dienophile (fumaric acid) to form a cyclohexene ring.

The expected product of this reaction is a cycloadduct called endo-cyclohexene-1,2-dicarboxylic acid. This compound is formed by the addition of the diene across the double bond of the dienophile, resulting in the formation of two new cyclic carbon-carbon bonds.

To determine the product formed from the reaction between fumaric acid (trans-2-butenedioic acid) and 1,3-butadiene, we need to consider the reaction conditions and the mechanism involved.

Fumaric acid, with its double bonds present, can undergo a Diels-Alder reaction with 1,3-butadiene. The Diels-Alder reaction involves a [4+2] cycloaddition between a diene (1,3-butadiene) and a dienophile (fumaric acid).

In this case, the 1,3-butadiene acts as the diene, possessing two double bonds, while fumaric acid acts as the dienophile, meaning it will receive the diene. The reaction occurs in a concerted manner, meaning it happens in one step without intermediates.

The Diels-Alder reaction between fumaric acid and 1,3-butadiene will result in the formation of a six-membered cyclic compound. The double bonds of 1,3-butadiene will become saturated, and the product will have four new carbon-carbon single bonds.

Thus, the expected product from the reaction between fumaric acid and 1,3-butadiene is a compound known as 4-cyclohexene-1,2-dicarboxylic acid. This compound forms when the diene adds across the dienophile, leading to the formation of a cyclohexene ring with carboxylic acid groups attached at positions 1 and 2.

It's important to note that reaction conditions, such as temperature, solvent, and catalyst, can influence the reaction outcome. Therefore, it is always recommended to check specific experimental conditions to ensure accurate predictions.