1. Which kind of punctuation are used to set off nonrestrictive clauses? Select the two correct answers. (1 point)

A. Parentheses
B. Periods
C. Dashes
D. Colons
E. Quotes

2. Which sentence correctly uses a nonrestrictive clause?
A. My friend watched a movie yesterday--my favorite one.
B. The dog--who is black and brown jumped over the fence.
C. Her (Oldest Sister) Mallory has a wonderful singing voice.
D. I like to eat pizza (Best with extra cheese while it is hot.)

3. Why are nonrestrictive clauses used?
A. To add detail without changing the original meaning of the sentence.
B. To make a conclusion.
C. To complete an incomplete sentence.
D. To ask a question.

4. Use the sentence to answer the question.
'In December--when it gets cold--I like to use a soft, warm blanket.'
What is the nonrestrictive clause in the sentence?
A. I like to use.
B. In December.
C. When it gets cold.
D. A soft, warm blanket.

5. Use the sentence to answer the question.
'I always play soccer my favorite sport on Saturday'
How could you punctuate the nonessential clause in the sentence?
A. I always play soccer--my favorite sport--on Saturday.
B. I always play soccer my favorite sport (on Saturday).
C. I always play soccer--my favorite sport on Saturday.
D. I always play soccer (my favorite sport--on Saturday.

The answers are coming in!! Let's gooo! ;3

1. A, C. Parentheses, Dashes.

2. A. My friend watched a movie yesterday--my favorite one.
3. A. To add detail without changing the original meaning of the sentence.
4. C. When it gets cold.
5. A. I always play soccer--my favorite sport--on Saturday.

And there are your answers, my friend! <3

Ranoren is 100% correct

1. The correct answers are A (Parentheses) and C (Dashes).

2. The correct answer is B. The dog--who is black and brown jumped over the fence.
3. The correct answer is A. To add detail without changing the original meaning of the sentence.
4. The nonrestrictive clause in the sentence is C. When it gets cold.
5. The correct answer is A. I always play soccer--my favorite sport--on Saturday.

1. The correct answers are A. Parentheses and C. Dashes. Parentheses are used to set off nonrestrictive clauses within a sentence, while dashes can also be used to indicate a break or interruption in the sentence structure.

2. The sentence that correctly uses a nonrestrictive clause is B. "The dog--who is black and brown--jumped over the fence." In this sentence, the clause "who is black and brown" provides additional information about the dog but is not essential to the overall meaning of the sentence.

3. Nonrestrictive clauses are used to add detail without changing the original meaning of the sentence. Therefore, the correct answer is A. To add detail without changing the original meaning of the sentence.

4. The nonrestrictive clause in the sentence "In December--when it gets cold--I like to use a soft, warm blanket" is C. "When it gets cold." This clause provides additional information about the period of time when the speaker likes to use a blanket but is not necessary to understand the main point of the sentence.

5. The nonessential clause in the sentence "I always play soccer, my favorite sport, on Saturday" can be punctuated by using commas to set it off from the rest of the sentence. Therefore, the correct answer is A. "I always play soccer, my favorite sport, on Saturday."