what experiences did Jane Addams have that affected the opening of Hull house

To determine the experiences that influenced the opening of Hull House by Jane Addams, you can research her life and work. Here is how you can find the answer:

1. Start by searching for reliable sources on Jane Addams. Encyclopedias, biographies, or credible websites dedicated to her life and work are good places to start.

2. Look for information regarding Addams' personal experiences and how they influenced her decision to open Hull House. This might include her upbringing, education, personal beliefs, or encounters that shaped her worldview.

3. Additionally, investigate any specific events or social issues that had a profound impact on Jane Addams and motivated her to establish Hull House. Consider issues like poverty, immigrant experiences, labor conditions, women's rights, or social justice movements.

4. Analyze Addams' writings, speeches, or interviews, as the founder's own words can provide valuable insights into her motivations and experiences.

5. Cross-reference multiple sources to ensure accuracy and gain a comprehensive understanding of the factors that led to the opening of Hull House.

By following these steps, you should be able to gather information on the experiences that influenced Jane Addams and her decision to establish Hull House.