The necklace by Guy de Maupassant

what evidence shows that Mathilde’s experience with poverty has humbled her, perhaps making her proud in a different way?

To find evidence in "The Necklace" that shows Mathilde's experience with poverty has humbled her, we need to analyze the text. Here's how we can go about it:

1. Read the story: Start by reading or re-reading "The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant. This will give you a better understanding of the characters, their experiences, and their growth throughout the story.

2. Character analysis: Pay close attention to Mathilde's character development and how her perspective changes over time. Look for specific instances that highlight her change in attitude or behavior.

3. Contextual clues: Look for descriptions, dialogue, or narrative fragments that reveal Mathilde's transformation. These clues might provide insight into her feelings about her previous life of poverty or her new perspective on wealth.

4. Key moments: Identify key moments in the story where Mathilde's experience with poverty seems to have humbled her. These moments might demonstrate how she values things differently or how she realizes the importance of gratitude and humility.

5. Supporting quotes: Once you've identified the key moments, find quotes or passages from the text that support your interpretation. These quotes should directly illustrate Mathilde's change in attitude and the way her experience with poverty has affected her.

By employing these steps, you will be able to find specific evidence within "The Necklace" that demonstrates Mathilde's humbling experience with poverty, possibly leading to a different kind of pride.