Taxi Cab Company A: $8 per ride and $0.35 per mile

• Write an equation in slope intercept form to represent the cost of a taxi ride using company A.
Hint: use y = mx + b
• Y=__________
What does the y-intercept mean in the context of this problem?
Hint: What do you pay to step into the cab?
Can someone help Idk what it's means

y = 0.35x + b

the y-intercept is what you pay when x=0
That is, what you owe as soon as you step into the cab -- no miles yet

Thank you !!!!༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽

To write the equation in slope-intercept form, we need to identify the slope (m) and the y-intercept (b) of the equation.

In the context of a taxi ride using Company A, we know that the cost of the ride is $8 plus $0.35 per mile. The slope (m) represents the rate at which the cost increases per mile, and the y-intercept (b) represents the initial cost of the ride.

In this case, the slope is $0.35 per mile, which means for every mile traveled, the cost increases by $0.35. The y-intercept is $8, which represents the initial cost of getting into the cab (regardless of the distance traveled).

Therefore, the equation in slope-intercept form for the cost of a taxi ride using Company A is:
y = 0.35x + 8

y represents the total cost of the taxi ride,
x represents the number of miles traveled.

The y-intercept (b = 8) in this context means that you pay $8 to step into the cab, regardless of the distance you are going to travel. Think of it as the base fare or the cost of just getting into the taxi. After that, the cost increases based on the distance traveled (0.35x), where x represents the number of miles.