"A claim is simply a statement of opinion—your point of view regarding a topic. However, a strong claim in an argument should be significant."

Which sentence contains the most significant claim?

(1 point)

Carrots are the prettiest plants to grow in a garden.

Carrots are great vegetables to grow in your home garden.

Carrots are grown in many home gardens, especially in the spring and fall months.

Carrots are the easiest vegetable to grow because they do not need much attention.


1: C, Carrots are the easiest vegetable to grow because they do not need much attention.

2: C, It is an opinion that is supportable.

3: B: with evidence

4: B, evidence.

5: B, Sea turtles are most important to the health of coral reefs.

100%, I pinky promise haha

#tommyinnit is right

thx @tommyinnit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'd say either A or D because of the words "prettiest" and "easiest."

For a persuasive or argumentative paper, you want a claim that is arguable, not one that is wishy-washy or simply stating a fact.

♥ Tom Simons

1: C, Carrots are the easiest vegetable to grow because they do not need much attention.

2 C It is an opinion that is supportable.

3 B with evidence

4 B evidence.

5 B Sea turtles are most important to the health of coral reefs.

there you go :)
have a great day

To determine which sentence contains the most significant claim, we need to evaluate the level of importance or impact of each claim. In this case, the claim that is most significant is the one that carries the most weight or has the biggest impact in terms of relevance and value.

Let's examine each claim:

1. "Carrots are the prettiest plants to grow in a garden."
This claim is subjective and based on personal opinion, so it has limited significance in the context of an argument.

2. "Carrots are great vegetables to grow in your home garden."
While this claim provides some value by stating that carrots are great to grow, it is relatively general and lacks specificity.

3. "Carrots are grown in many home gardens, especially in the spring and fall months."
This claim highlights a common occurrence and gives some insight into the timeline of carrot cultivation. Although it provides factual information, it may not be considered the most significant claim in terms of impact.

4. "Carrots are the easiest vegetable to grow because they do not need much attention."
This claim asserts that carrots are the easiest vegetables to grow due to their low maintenance requirements. It presents a clear and specific argument, suggesting that growing carrots requires minimal effort. This claim is likely the most significant as it provides a strong reasoning for the statement.

Therefore, the sentence containing the most significant claim is: "Carrots are the easiest vegetable to grow because they do not need much attention."