In 1–2 sentences, explain how the knowledge of etymology benefits readers.

The etymology, also known as the origin of a word helps a reader better understand a word because a words history can help you understand where the word came from.

As a teacher for one of the Connections Academy schools, I have this website bookmarked. Any of my students that have this answer or a similar answer will be as plagiarism and an honor code violation. Even if you change some of the words, it is still plagiarism because you are taking someone else's ideas and using them as your own. Additionally, before every assessment you agree to the following:

For this assessment, I promise the following:
I will submit my own work.
I will not give or receive any unauthorized help.
I will abide by school policies.

This is NOT your own work, and it is considered unauthorized help.

i need the ANWESR



oh my god, you are a LIFE-SAVER!! thank you @Answer Man!!

Knowledge of etymology benefits readers by providing insight into the origins and meanings of words, enhancing their understanding and appreciation of language.