1. write a problem involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division of integers and include the answer.

2. what is the acronym used to describe the order of operations?

1. write a problem involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division of integers and include the answer.

2. what is the acronym used to describe the order of operations?

Simplify the expression using the order of operations show work



1. Problem: Perform the multiplication and addition of integers.

Question: Calculate the result of (4 * -3) + (-8).
Answer: The result is -20.

2. The acronym used to describe the order of operations is PEMDAS.
It stands for:
P - Parentheses (simplify within parentheses first)
E - Exponents (perform any exponentiation)
MD - Multiplication and Division (perform any multiplication or division operations from left to right)
AS - Addition and Subtraction (perform any addition or subtraction operations from left to right)

3. To solve the equation 3^2[5+(2-4)^2]-15, we need to follow the order of operations using the acronym PEMDAS.

Step 1: Simplify within parentheses:
2-4 = -2
Therefore, the expression becomes: 3^2[5+(-2)^2]-15.

Step 2: Evaluate exponentiation:
(-2)^2 = 4
The expression becomes: 3^2[5+4]-15.

Step 3: Perform the addition within brackets:
5+4 = 9
The expression becomes: 3^2[9]-15.

Step 4: Evaluate the exponentiation:
3^2 = 9
The expression becomes: 9[9]-15.

Step 5: Perform the multiplication:
9 * 9 = 81
The expression becomes: 81-15.

Step 6: Perform the subtraction:
81 - 15 = 66

Therefore, the value of the expression 3^2[5+(2-4)^2]-15 is 66.

1. Problem: Perform the following multiplication of integers: (-5) * 4. Answer: -20.

To solve this problem, you need to multiply the two integers (-5) and 4. When multiplying two integers with different signs, the resulting product will be negative. Therefore, (-5) * 4 = -20.

2. The acronym used to describe the order of operations is PEMDAS.

PEMDAS stands for:
- P: Parentheses (simplify expressions within parentheses first)
- E: Exponents (perform operations involving exponents)
- M: Multiplication (perform multiplication from left to right)
- D: Division (perform division from left to right)
- A: Addition (perform addition from left to right)
- S: Subtraction (perform subtraction from left to right)

Following the order of operations ensures that mathematical expressions are evaluated correctly, avoiding any ambiguity.

3. To solve the expression 3^2[5+(2-4)^2]-15, we need to apply the order of operations (PEMDAS):

Step 1: Simplify the expression within the parentheses. (2-4)^2 = (-2)^2 = 4

Step 2: Perform any remaining exponentiation. 3^2 = 9

Step 3: Apply multiplication within the brackets. 9[5+4]-15

Step 4: Simplify the addition within the brackets. 5+4 = 9

Step 5: Perform the remaining multiplication. 9 * 9 = 81

Step 6: Finally, subtract 15 from 81. 81 - 15 = 66

Therefore, the value of the expression 3^2[5+(2-4)^2]-15 is 66.