What is the correct order of the particles that give texture to soil from smallest to largest?

silt, sand, clay
silt, sand, clay

clay, sand, silt
clay, sand, silt

clay, silt, sand
clay, silt, sand

sand, silt, clay

figured it out clay silt sand

The correct order of the particles that give texture to soil from smallest to largest is clay, silt, sand.

The correct order of the particles that give texture to soil from smallest to largest is clay, silt, sand.

To understand this, we need to know that soil texture refers to the proportions of different mineral particles in the soil. The three main categories of soil particles are clay, silt, and sand.

Clay particles are the smallest particles and have a very fine texture. Silt particles are slightly larger than clay particles but still have a fine texture. Sand particles are the largest of the three and have a coarse texture.

So, the correct order of soil particles from smallest to largest is clay, silt, sand.