what are research questions?(1 point)

Which quality should a good research question have? (1 point)

These are the answers that should get you 100%

1.b: questions that pinpoint exactly what you should search for.
2.d: it should be relevant.
3.c: by evaluating its bias.
4.d: a first hand account.

Hope this helps. c:

hold on, imma get the answers real quick.

Salad is correct.

thanks please anyone else that does coxxus help me

Research questions are specific queries asked by researchers to guide their investigation and exploration of a particular topic or problem. They serve as the foundation for a research study and help define its scope and objectives.

A good research question should possess the following quality:
- Specific: It should be clear and focused, addressing a specific aspect of the topic or problem being investigated. A vague or broad research question makes it difficult to design a study or obtain meaningful results.

To develop a good research question, you can follow these steps:
1. Start with a broad topic of interest.
2. Identify subtopics or areas within that broad topic that you find interesting or relevant.
3. Refine the subtopics into specific research areas that can be studied.
4. From the research areas, generate specific questions that reflect what you want to discover or understand.

For example, if your broad topic of interest is climate change, you might narrow it down to the subtopic of the impact of climate change on wildlife. From there, you could identify a research area such as the effect of rising temperatures on bird migration patterns. A specific research question derived from this could be, "How does increasing global temperatures affect the timing and routes of bird migration patterns?"

Remember that a good research question should be feasible to investigate within the available resources and time constraints of the study.