Read the excerpt from "No Dogs Bark." The moon was rising, almost blue, in a clear sky. Now the old man’s face, drenched with sweat, was flooded with light. He lowered his eyes so he wouldn’t have to look straight ahead, since he couldn’t bend his head, tightly gripped in his son’s hands. “I’m not doing all this for you. I’m doing it for your dead mother. Because you were her son. That’s why I’m doing it."

How does the image of the moon impact the mood of the story?

A) It represents the doom that is hanging over the characters.
B) It symbolizes the demise of the family.
C) It reveals the hope and dedication among the family.
D) It is not a symbol or indicator of the mood.

Read the following definition and then select the correct term.

The unifying idea or underlying meaning a writer explores in a novel, short story, or other literary work.

A) Tone
B) Theme
C) Conflict
D) Metaphor

Read the sentence from the passage.

She and Miss Darling kept saying, “Sh-sh,”
but we were going on tiptoe anyway; our hospital demeanor was

What does the word demeanor mean as used in the sentence?

A) behavior
B) speech
C) appearance

1. a

2. c
3. a

D) physicality

A) behavior

To answer the first question, you need to analyze the excerpt and consider the impact of the image of the moon on the story's mood. The excerpt describes the moon as rising, almost blue, in a clear sky, and it floods the old man's face with light. The language used to describe the moon is evocative and sets an atmosphere.

To determine the impact of the moon on the mood, you can eliminate options based on the evidence in the excerpt. The moon is not described as representing doom or the demise of the family. The old man's face being flooded with light does not necessarily indicate hope and dedication among the family.

Therefore, the correct answer is C) It reveals the hope and dedication among the family.

To answer the second question, you need to understand the definition given and identify the correct term that matches the definition. The definition describes the unifying idea or underlying meaning a writer explores in a literary work.

To find the correct term, you can eliminate options based on their definitions. Tone refers to the author's attitude or feelings towards the subject, Conflict refers to the struggle between opposing forces, and Metaphor is a figure of speech comparing two unrelated things.

Therefore, the correct answer is B) Theme.

To answer the third question, you need to understand the meaning of the word "demeanor" as used in the sentence.

To find the correct meaning, you can analyze the context and eliminate options that do not fit. In the sentence, the word "demeanor" is used to describe how the characters are behaving. It indicates that they are moving silently and with caution.

Therefore, the correct answer is A) behavior.