It is a google quiz! Help!

What country is located North of the United States? *
1 point

If you can give all the answers please!

1. Canada

2. Alaska
3. Maxico
4. NYC
5. Delaware
6. Cali
7. Washington D.C

I hope this is correct for me so I hope it is for you :)

it is correct for me*

To answer this question correctly, you need to know the location of the United States and the countries that border it. Here are the steps to find the answer:

1. Open a web browser and go to the Google search engine (
2. Type "location of the United States" in the search bar and press Enter.
3. Google will display a map showing the location of the United States. You can also see that it is bordered by Canada to the North.
4. Now, you can answer the question: "What country is located North of the United States?" The correct answer is "Canada."

Please note that the other answer choices are incorrect. "Russia" is located to the northeast of the United States, "Mexico" is located to the south, and "Guatemala" is located even further south. Canada is the only country directly north of the United States.